I read Holden and thought this was a blood meridian reference
As a joke of course, ahah........................... unless?
You're playin a dangerous game, boy
Ti scrivo giusto per avvisarti che la community in cui hai creato il post non è una community italiana. La maggior parte delle persone non è in grado di leggere il tuo post. Puoi provare a postare una versione in Inglese del post oppure ripostare in una community italiana
Gianluca Iacono my beloved
Obligatory "I'm not a biologist" disclaimer
You could take an X chromosome from both parents either way. And I'm pretty sure all the other chromosomes wouldn' make that much of a difference
No offence to Robin Williams, but I think having a living specimen of an ancient species who lived millions of years ago might help scientists advance evolutionary biology by a lot
Or maybe not, but look at that little guy, he's so cute :D
Red flags? That's the greenest flag I've ever seen
Absolutely nothing happened. She just said "sorry I mistook you for someone else" and I never saw her again.
Though I do remember I once mistook a random guy for one of my friends and showed him a meme. Then I realized he wasn't my friend and he said "Sorry I'm not that guy, good meme though"
Good, that means she's an extremely shallow girl willing to leave me for futile motives. Thank you for helping me dodge a bullet cowboy.
Dead God trapped in a sword? Is there a hex-blade in your party?
And yeah I also make memes about my campaigns, they're just usually not very funny
All fun and games till the PO requests some new feature or change and some poor soul has to add that into your code trying not to break it
Bonus points if the poor soul is you