Up or down? I'm still learning and trying to figure out the feed.
Also, how did you know it's the feed? What should I be looking for?
Well the cylinder has a stroke length of ~8 inches (it's a little less) it is 17 inches from the pivot point, the other arm is 6 inches from the pivot.
When the cylinder is fully extended, the crushing plate will move down about 3 inches which is greater than the width of most cans. (At least greater than all of the cans I have.)
It flattened cans sideways because I wanted to be able to put them through a shredder. It was very close to accomplishing that, if the base plate didn't bend to shit, I'm sure it would have worked.
Yes! But the crushinator is a big girl, mine couldn't hold a candle to that, so she squishes instead of crushes!
I literally just got my Saturn 4 ultra two weeks ago, it prints PERFECTLY right out of the box. I literally did nothing to set it up. I'm so used to my CR10 needing to be babysat it was shocking how well the prints come out.
I have heard of them losing their Z position and ramming the build plate into the reservoir repeatedly, but that the only problem I have really heard of them having.
Maybe yours has a defect?
I did! And you have no idea, those damn horses can be scary. We had one a while back (total asshole of a horse) that kept escaping and walking on the streets, I had to walk it back one day, it decided very abruptly that is was terrified of the gate. It started rearing up and shit.
I panicked because we were right in the gateway and I was very close to it. I just knew I had to get it back in so the first thing I thought to do was punch it in the face.. it worked. We sold him very shortly after that.
Jesus Christ..