
joined 2 years ago
[–] Cerothen 1 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Respectfully, I think you're misunderstanding my comments. It's anyone's right to hate how or who anyone else voted for. But not voting at all and getting upset with the outcome is your own fault.

Any person should be encouraging every other person that they know to exercise their right to select an official. Ignoring that right because you feel it's futile or because your super sure what you want will happen is a breakdown in democracy.

I don't really care who or how anyone votes but they all should be doing it.

[–] Cerothen 32 points 1 year ago (12 children)

Regardless of how you feel about the candidates the important thing is to actually vote. Going around and saying "well they both suck" doesn't help anyone.

Not voting then getting the greater of two evils from your perspective is your own fault.

Always vote, even if the news or anyone else tells you the candidate you want is a sure thing, vote even if the candidate you don't want seems like a shoe-in.

[–] Cerothen 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I think there's an important distinction as to which meal, a lazy breakfast is a raw bagel, a lazy lunch is bread and deli meat (or microwaved single meal), dinner is frozen pizza or some rice and meatballs

[–] Cerothen 23 points 1 year ago


The option to install any extension has always been possible it's just a tad more work to get setup.

I did this ages ago, I just add the extensions I want to the list and then they appear to let me install them

[–] Cerothen 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I feel like hourly with a fixed sale bonus would be fine for buyers.

$50/h at the location (maybe a travel fee for places far away from their normal location), and $5000 for a successfully closed deal. All buyer paid, that would mean that the realtor gets paid for work done, and but the closing bonus means that they don't have as much of an incentive to keep taking the customers to crappy places to keep the hourly going.

Selling Realtors should really negotiate a fixed figure and a bonus that goes down the longer it takes to sell, this could encourage them to suggest lower prices on homes I guess, but it's ultimately the owners decision to pick a price and the Realtors choice if it's worth the effort to sell at that price

[–] Cerothen 2 points 1 year ago

You pay property tax because of the services that are provided to you by the municipality. Garbage collection, streets, parks, schools, libraries, public services, social programs, public events, etc.

While I understand the idea your going for here the intent of those taxes aren't the same and the businesses that they are interested in would pay some form of tax (probably?).

I think something like a gross wealth tax, 10% of all wealth a year over over something like the poverty line * 100 in total assets

[–] Cerothen 13 points 1 year ago (2 children)

This doesn't make a lot of sense in context, sure Texas has twice the land of Germany, but Germany has 2.5 times the population of Texas.

Though I agree Texas is likely not representative of all the USA.

[–] Cerothen 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

As a resident of Canada this weekend is literally Thanksgiving weekend.

[–] Cerothen 3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Technically everything is a Fuse if you use enough current. Since it wouldn't be resettable

[–] Cerothen 9 points 1 year ago (6 children)

If Disney world sank it would just be Bioshock.

[–] Cerothen 17 points 2 years ago (1 children)

You can write off an electric car in the same way you can write off a jet. It's a company expense and required to perform your role in that company.

See the following steps to write anything at all off, note poor people may not have the prerequisite assets to make buying more assets tax free.

Step 1, create marketing company Step 2, assign income to that company from your other companies (you do have other companies right?) Step 3, do fun shit with stuff you bought Step 4 have accountant write it all off as marketing delivery expenses and client schmoozing.

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