Regardless of how you feel about the candidates the important thing is to actually vote. Going around and saying "well they both suck" doesn't help anyone.
Not voting then getting the greater of two evils from your perspective is your own fault.
Always vote, even if the news or anyone else tells you the candidate you want is a sure thing, vote even if the candidate you don't want seems like a shoe-in.
Respectfully, I think you're misunderstanding my comments. It's anyone's right to hate how or who anyone else voted for. But not voting at all and getting upset with the outcome is your own fault.
Any person should be encouraging every other person that they know to exercise their right to select an official. Ignoring that right because you feel it's futile or because your super sure what you want will happen is a breakdown in democracy.
I don't really care who or how anyone votes but they all should be doing it.