Generic meds vs brand meds.
Brands pay a lot for branding, and thus charge more. The formulas are moderated and regulated by the FDA, so unless you enjoy paying for ads, get the generic.
We just change the calculation. If 25% are unemployed, what if we added a stipulation that they also received a survey from the last job they applied to on whether they were employable. See? We can drop unemployment by calling people unemployable and ignoring those that didn't apply for a job! Math!
Bigger picture is eat the rich, don't let them divide us. Age and generation isn't the problem. It's a side effect of the income gap. It doesn't take a saint to empathize, it takes a human. If you spit the same shit back at them, you're as bad as they are and the next generation will look at us the same way.
Income gap is and always has been the problem. Eat the rich.
Then it's time to start selling 2 ziplock bags at $1. We're fucking late stage capitalism, companies need to realize, just because they build it, doesn't mean they get to charge whatever the fuck they want. If they can't compete with your friend's shitty leftover weed, then maybe they're in the wrong business, because even McDonald's can sell shitty fake meat burgers for $1.
Was confused by their post too. Not to mention, generics typically say that they're trying to replicate xyz extended release or xyz extra strength.