Interesting and wider than I would have thought!
I would argue closer to 30, unless you’re including all the easement and sidewalks?
You’re virtue signaling and need to do some deep searching and a review of human history. Be better.
Who’s not an animal? Because humans are definitely classified as animals. We’re definitely not plants.
We should just make tipping illegal and pay people a living wage and charge what things cost. This also has the secondary effect of tipping or giving gratuity to elected and appointed officials illegal to. It used to be called a bribe but if you do it shirt the favor it’s a legal gratuity. If it weren’t for most of the people here I’d really hate it here.
The loudest ones were Russian and Chinese bots sewing discord and hastening the USA’s decline.
AIPAC and meta contributions completely fly in the face of that.
She raised a Billion dollars faster than any candidate in history. Do an audit and you will see the funds were squandered. She had the money.
Better those who are offended gouge out their eyes than oppress others.
The real fraud is she got too many votes.
It’s not legal.