
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Alright, still waiting for a response from Perchance Dev.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

Ohhh, thank you thank you.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

About the story, yes I have an idea why: the AI is dumb. All LLMs are dumb, even the good ones. Hope this helps!

And about the first issue, the Dev is likely working on content moderation system.


Dear Perchance Dev, I have created a private generator to house the list of people banned from another one of my generators. However, upon opening it, I saw this:

Why is a private generator flagged with NSFW?

The link is this if you want to look into it.

submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Dear Perchance Dev, would it be possible to add blockedByCurrentUser or a similar blocked property to the objects of the other users, so their message could be hidden and toggled to provide a better user experience?

Note, I am asking this because; when a user replies to the message of a person that is blocked by the current user, that message object's contents are presented to the current user even though they have blocked them.


@VioneT I was wondering if it was possible to load modules like reference = {import:...} through the vanilla JavaScript, inside a script tag instead of writing them directly in the Perchance model text editor?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

I think it is Llama 2.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Well, they are trolls. And trolls only want one thing: attention—negative, positive, or otherwise. The best thing you can do is ignore their existence. They want attention, they do this to get attention, so do not give them the attention they want, even if it is just insulting them, which would only make them crave that attention more.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

So, will this also break generators that rely on URL queries?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

If you did some research, you would know that an iframe has an encapsulated DOM tree, meaning that nothing outside its scope can access it.

Though a 'message system' can be set up between the iframe (child) and the host (parent), then you may be able to run codes inside the iframe. But that makes it EXTREMELY risky, which is also why it is encapsulated in the first place.

A more stable approach would be if the Dev exposed some functionalities of those iframes, if they are plugins perhaps we can configure them like how we can configure the current comment's plugin to add new features or build a completely new custom interface with it, eliminating the need of employing an iframe.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

It would mean that we could set secret or sensitive values like API keys, passwords or configuration settings directly in the environment or Perchance server instead of hardcoding them into the app.

This will grant a security as these values would not be exposed in the app's public code where anyone can check the values.

An environment variable refers to a dynamic value stored in a system's environment.

These variables are key-value pairs like variable = value where the variable is visible to the public but value itself remains hidden.



@VioneT Would it be possible to have environment variables in Perchance one day?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

Damn so many things changed.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

What does t2i even stands for?


Guys! Do any of you know what version of the Llama model Perchance AI Chat plugin uses specifically?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago

Dear Perchance Dev,

I recently noticed that a new option to report a user has been added. Thank you very much for that addition. So, VioneT and I believe it would a great idea to report a generator as well. There are quite a number of generators just promoting hatred and discrimination.

VioneT suggested that there should be a "report button upon opening the 'edit' even if you aren't the owner of that generator."

And below is an example of why a generator must be reported.



Perchance dev, have you heard the recent news about a new AI image model named Flux.1?

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello! Does anyone know why document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { ... } does not work?


Dear Perchance Dev ,

I would kindly like to make a request for a new plugin, "Live User." Traditionally this required a web socket server. I have personally set it up via Glitch with Express to create a WebSocket and then use it.

But I think if you create this as a plugin it would be easier for other people to implement them without so many hassles.

The essential things I personally think would be good are;

  • It would be good if it returned a numeric value, so potentially math can be done if needed.
  • Another feature could be to display combined user count from different generators. However, whether this is strictly required, is a decision I am leaving upto you.

Also, now that I think about it, maybe the comment's section too could display how many users are using it at the moment. 😮


Vionet, why don't you use flex column instead?

So we would have this,

Instead of this.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Dear Perchance Dev,

I request if it would be possible to display GIFs from Tenor similarly to how it is displayed on Discord. In that regard, if it is possible.

It would be another great opportunity to finally utilize an option to display images, for example ![Alt Text](image_url) on another note, it would be a creative option if width and height could have been been specified, well, in a manner akin to CSS width: 100%; height: auto; and though this is not strict, being able to use display block or inline would be great if we are to add both texts and images.

About the links, I currently know of a simple and similar markdown to set up links as well, [Link Text](url). Though I have noticed only Perchance links can be shared.

I leave these suggestions onto you, I would greatly appreciate it if you could add these. 🙂‍↕️✉️

I was also thinking what if you were to recreate an entirely new plugin specifically designed for a more superior interface and features. If you are considering this, the above suggestions mentioned should be dedicated to this specific one to avoid unnecessary efforts. Though we can take it slow at a time.

If you are to consider these, you could also set up the "bots" mechanism. And, as an Admin of a Gen, the control over it feels very limited, I have moderators helping me, but they aren't able to take actions such banning. Thinking of banning, we don't always need to band people, a timeout is also efficient.

Whenever I have to ban toxic people, I have to tell my members, "Guys, please refresh" which is not something too bad, but it soon starts to give a strange vibe to it as I have to ban exceptional amount of people. Also, there should be a universal ID to ban across all the places. 😥

And, it all sounds easy from these texts, I understand it is not so easy. Which is why, I, and we as community, would like to offer you the help we are able to provide, for example alpha testing, help with codes, etc.

It feels as if I am saying you are not good on your own, but I am simply eager to help to ease the burden. Thank you for considering this. ♥️

😳I planned to be more detailed, however due to my extensive work hours, I am quite exhausted to conjure up more ideas.


Dear Perchance Dev,

It seems a new issue has appeared. The messages previously sent are back. And by previous I mean few months ago.

And new messages are gone after refresh, though they are visible prior.

I am sorry I could not be detailed due to work.

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