Genau das habe ich mir auch gedacht, als ich den Post gesehen habe. Es ist doch ein extremer Luxus, überhaupt ein Pferd zu besitzen. Da sollte man doch schon das Kleingeld für die Pflege aufbringen können. Zumal viele Besitzer sich die Pflege durch Reitstunden sowieso wieder reinholen…
This stuff makes me really wonder, how much Americans really believe whatever the rightwings are peddling… On Twitter they’re now peddling all the time this „great replacement“ stuff and that illegal immigrants will vote for Biden(???). Do they really believe that and does a big chunk of Americans believe that?
Where could someone obtain this mysterious knowledge?
It would be funny, if his whole existence wouldn’t be so sad for the world…
Ich wünsche dir das Beste! Super, dass du eine Lösung gefunden hast, die für dich funktioniert. :D
I first thought the guys cleaning the ducks are butchers… That would have been quite the different way to help going through a phase…
Exactly this. Any employer trying to put private devices into their MDM is totally unprofessional anyway… Most MDMs allow access to the GPS Data and have a remote wiping function, it would be a privacy mess for the employee AND employer.
For me it’s all the time the other way around. I prepared everything and think about the session later the day. Then I read the group chat and people cancel and try to reschedule without finding time for it…
Yeah, I think we’re just biased. If it would have been always the other way around, we probably would think it’s the flowy way to say it xD
Ahh, yes, tracked eight hours of refactoring today…
You can find it at the githyanki crèche, the „general“ with the two dogs had it. I sadly fed it accidentally to my group during a long rest
I do the same, but it’s because of the streaming services, they got themselves in this. I am just wondering if you make these posts to tell your unpopular opinion or just to fight with strangers… quite the history you have there