After around sixty hours I finally rolled credits on Yakuza: Like a Dragon. Started to feel like a slog towards the end, but I wanted to see the story through to the end. Those last three chapters had to have the most Yakuza-style plot twists I have ever seen. Overall I ended up liking it a lot more then I was expecting given that its the series first JRPG. I think it handled the switch well, although it did feel a bit grindy at the end. There's still some side content I might end up doing, but for now I feel like I need a break from it.
Good. If the last few months have shown anything it's that more workers in the industry need to be unionized.
Someone's eager to have another BG3 on their hands. Given Hasbro's recent moves it wouldn't surprise me if half of these ended up being cancelled and other half were trying to squeeze as much money out of players as possible. Hasbro thinks D&D is an "under-monetized" brand after all.
Behind all the flashy corporate speak this just sounds like EA wants a future where gamers pay them to develop content for EA games.
Television. Can't remember the last time I turned my TV on to actually watch TV. It's mostly for streaming, but even that's getting harder to keep up with. It just feels like there are too many services and shows to keep track of. If I sit down and watch a show then I really need to want to watch it. More and more I've been listening to podcasts or treating Youtube videos like podcasts. It lets me multitask in a way that sitting down and trying to watch something just doesn't.
NASA releasing a TTRPG module was not on my bingo card for 2024, but here we are. Hope this is well-received because it would be cool to see them branch out into more "nerdy, but educational" content like this.
Maybe a dumb suggestion, but since you mentioned older systems, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is a PS1 classic that helped create the Metroidvania genre. There's also Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, which is a spiritual successor by one the key developers behind SOTN. Dead Cells and Hollow Knight are solid games that have been recommended already, but if you find yourself enjoying the rogue-lite elements of those you might enjoy Cult of the Lamb. Admittedly it's top down 2.5d, but it's a nice blend of rogue lite and town management as your tasked with building up a cult and turning it into a thriving community in between fighting your way through dungeons.
The depressing thing is a live-service Harry Potter game would probably make WB a ridiculous amount of money. Lock the best brooms and wands behind a paywall, pay real money to buy House points to win the House cup, all sorts of ways to squeeze money out of players.
Depends on your tastes. If you like platformers the PS2 had some great ones. Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, and the Sly Cooper series to name a few. For something more action-oriented the old God of War games still hold up, although they are very different in tone from the modern ones. If you have any interest in JRPGs there's FFX, X2, and FFXII along with Personas 3 and 4. Although most of those have better ports/remasters/remakes on modern systems.
"So, we alienated some people with our Harry Potter game and we alienated a lot of people with our soulless, live-service Suicide Squad game. What if we just combined those together?"
Genius business strategy WB. Although, given how well Hogwarts did there are probably plenty of people out there who would go for that.
So, what studio is EA going to shut down to offset the good karma from doing this?
At this point it feels like a Bloodborne remake that gets ported to PC is more likely than Bloodborne itself ever getting an official PC port.