I am still using a flip phone. My new goal is to make it to 2027 marking two decades of rejecting the smartphone era. Each time I consider compromising something gets even more awful about smartphones and I double down on saying no.
joined 1 month ago
They make profit off of being a useless barrier that prevents customers from accessing money they've contributed to use towards their own healthcare. They do nothing of any real value. Their constant profit seeking kills people. Every single administrator in their company is killing people.
Luckily, they won't come after me because everything I said was true.
Alex Jones use to complain about transhumanists but now that they guy who actually wants to put computer chips in your brain has control of the federal government his top concern is... (literally looking a infowars right now)... oh god just constantly glazing trump. Also, zelensky is a warmonger who wants nukes.
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As best as I can remember, I'm on my 6th.