I picked up Division 2 on sale recently and began playing it with a buddy of mine. He had never played the first one while I had. We're loving it. It really does feel like a proper 2.0 update instead of Division 1.5. I was convinced to buy it after seeing it on sale and watching SkillUps review. Having loved the first one despite my gripes about late game enemy sponginess, having to remove attachments before disassembly, and enemy variety, it was great to learn that all of these things have been addressed.
Message for everyone: This isn't ever a PlayStation game only thread even though we are in the PS community. It's just a place for people to chat about whatever games they are playing, on whatever platform they are playing them on. As a mod I often see people post about playing on steam deck or Xbox or Switch only for them to delete the post later as they realize they are in the PS community. No need to do that here! Just vibe out and have a great time!
ShadPS4 can now actually get in game in 3D environments, and while FPPS4 has been able to get in game in mostly 2D environments, the developer has been working on a significant code branch that has yet to merge to the main branch. It is expected to receive a large leap in capability once it does. We will now have 2 emulators in competition and competition drives innovation.
Isn't it already somewhat of a GAAS if people buy the new one every year for $60-70? At this point the move to full service doesn't seem to be that much of a stretch. I might be off base here as I haven't bought a COD game since the Xbox 360 days and only played warzone a few times with my friend's kids. Curious to hear other thoughts on this
It's pretty good. Spongy enemies now have breakable armor which makes them make more sense. The first game also had technical limitations the devs admitted that made it so they could only have a certain number of enemies on screen at a time. This meant that to increase difficulty they had to make enemies spongier. This is not the case in this game. I haven't had to backtrack much so far but I'm early game.