That's dumb that Jagex would cease and desist scape05. At least Scape2009 is still up. I think.
These budget cuts are getting weird.
What happened to ending the Russian/ Ukraine war? Was that too difficult to tackle?
It is not the man or woman behind the socks that is hot. It is the socks that make the man or woman hot.
I'm hoping for the virtual boy switch
The attempts are super close. The only difference I can really see is the curved piece gets thin to a point on your recreation and on the original it is still a bit thick.
Unrelated, but I made eggnog for the first time this year and it was amazing! I will not be buying eggnog from the store any longer.
Wow, this would make for a killer wallpaper background. It just needs to be extended with Photoshop ai.
( ਊ ∇ਊ)
You have the freedom to pass away because nobody cares about you if you're poor.
I think Scars actions can be justified as a mercy killing. The father can not be justified in his actions.
I hate the ambiguity of "and for other purposes"