No, they legit believe them - or want others to in the case of Russian trolls
Yep, but even my softwarre separates it as a different series. I understand all of that, but it is still, for all intents and purposes, a new Doctor Who series.
They've got so much historic content to focus on and Alex Jones is definitely not going down this easy. I bet anything that if he actually stops being able to do info wars (big doubt, he'll probably just make a new company and broadcast from his basement if he isn't somehow stopped), he'll end up with a RT show like Carlson
The old new doctor who from 2005, important distinction because there's a new doctor who series starting in 2024
The fear of being smashed makes them retract into their safety zone
All of a sudden the phrase "maiden voyage" makes a lot more sense, never thought about it before
Oh interesting, I took neither to mean not fair because she doesn't fight fair and not maiden because she doesn't want to be treated that way by him. I actually didn't know maiden was tied to sex at all 🤔
Am I missing something? I don't understand how this would be an issue for censors
It's marketing bullshit, in announcement they also said they used "heat signatures" from the photo to help determine if the person was trans lol
Is the speculation of this site, but also aligns well with Nintendo taking aim at emulators
Supposedly they're not allowed to use any data obtained from this for training purposes, at least according to the mkbhd video