Funeral doom metal ?
I guess it is better to go for games that are cooperative and where everyone can contribute how they can without pressure. So I would suggest strategy games where everyone decides together what to do and all the players are united against the game, but in a way that it's harder to put the blame on someone if they fail to do what's expected of them (Ex : Hanabi). Here are some of my favourites that corresponds to this :
Forbidden Desert
I've been doing it wrong the whole time...
Passenger is one of the best songs from Deftones for sure. But Digital Bath is clearly the best song they ever wrote. Both of you should change your mind.
All jokes aside, one of my favourite metal album OAT
LOL never heard of that one. But yeah, blatantly a ripoff...
Mom can we have Hollow Knight ?
We have Hollow Night at home
Hollow knight at home :
The most disgusting thing is that from the get go the inspector made up her mind that she was lying, even though the adoptive father clearly implied he was masturbating thinking about people he should not. Like how did that not ring a bell ?...
Fun fact : the white stuff is actually their urine.,_reptiles_and_desert-dwelling_mammals
Tu apportes un très bon point en effet. Malheureusement on n'a pas un gouvernement qui aime se fier aux experts...
Ils ont tenté de garder l'heure avancée au Colorado. Ils ont arrêtés après quelques temps car les gens étaient trop déprimés de commencer leur journée de travail à la noirceur. Et ils sont plus au sud que nous donc il fait déjà clair plus tôt. Ce genre d'adaptation toucherait principalement de la main d'oeuvre qui commence leur quart de travail tôt (construction, personnel medical, restaurateurs, etc) qui se ramasseraient à faire plus d'heures de travail à la noirceur. S'ils vont de l'avant avec une telle proposition, j'espère qu'il y aura au moins un référendum sur la question.
Selon moi on devrait tout simplement retourner à ne pas changer l'heure (des études démontrent que ça a un impact non-negligeable sur la santé), mais garder l'heure normale, comme le monde a fait depuis que le cadran solaire existe...
To their defense, I think they are really self aware. The campiness and the theatrics are all intentional. It almost has a musical (the broadway kind) aspect to it. 5FDP actually believe they are hard.
Ouhhh that's interesting. I love Horrified, it is one of my favourite game, but unfortunately I often end uo quaterbacking while I would prefer people sharing their thoughts. Will check this one out for sure, thanks for the suggestions !