Thanks, I managed to find the culprit in the end however - I was using a forward-look of 5 characters for finding if it matches a word so in a string of a3two for example, it would register the two before the 3. It was an easy fix once i found the issue.
Thanks, I managed to find the culprit in the end however - I was using a forward-look of 5 characters for finding if it matches a word so in a string of a3two for example, it would register the two before the 3. It was an easy fix once i found the issue.
Was pretty simple in Python with a regex to get the game number, and then the count of color. for part 2 instead of returning true/false whether the game is valid, you just max the count per color. No traps like in the first one, that I've seen, so it was surprisingly easy
def process_game(line: str):
game_id = int(re.findall(r'game (\d+)*', line)[0])
colon_idx = line.index(":")
draws = line[colon_idx+1:].split(";")
# print(draws)
if is_game_valid(draws):
# print("Game %d is possible"%game_id)
return game_id
return 0
def is_game_valid(draws: list):
for draw in draws:
red = get_nr_of_in_draw(draw, 'red')
if red > MAX_RED:
return False
green = get_nr_of_in_draw(draw, 'green')
if green > MAX_GREEN:
return False
blue = get_nr_of_in_draw(draw, 'blue')
if blue > MAX_BLUE:
return False
return True
def get_nr_of_in_draw(draw: str, color: str):
if color in draw:
nr = re.findall(r'(\d+) '+color, draw)
return int(nr[0])
return 0
# f = open("input.txt", "r")
f = open("input_real.txt", "r")
lines = f.readlines()
sum = 0
for line in lines:
sum += process_game(line.strip().lower())
print("Answer: %d"%sum)
Do share if you find the input that was causing trouble, I'm tripping on some miniscule error as well and i have no idea what could it be
Oh god, sorry to hear that 😅i'm feeling desperate enough to try that, i just wrote a different implementation and i get the same (wrong) result. At this point I just want to know what i misunderstood or mistyped cuz its driving me crazy
I'm stuck on one of these intricacies now! I saw some of the ideas on how other people did it but i honestly have no clue what i did wrong. Got any tricky examples to share?
Oh sorry, just saw this thread and got excited, will delete to keep it clean
Fetches from the database again, it's just a temporary bundle of data rather than a persistent cache. We have caching for commonly-read/rarely-updated entities but its not feasible for everything ofc.
If you find or run into that article later please share it, I'd definitely like to read it!
Ah sorry, forgot to mention it here because I originally posted it on csharp and then crossposted. I'm specifically thinking about c#, EF and .net core for web dev.
I went with a matrix approach and was just planning to handle it through indexes but kinda gave up halfway implementing the finding of numbers, their start/end positions... I'm guessing a regex but that might have issues if we have identical numbers later, so not sure. Will surely go back to it eventually though :P