This is what I don't get. BMW, VW, and Porsche are all companies that supported the Nazis. Assuming that 99% of all employees at those companies when they supported the Nazis are no longer working there, what does it matter that they supported the Nazis? BMW, VW, and Porsche aren't a real person each. There's no Mr. BMW going into a secret mountain lair snickering while rubbing their hands together. It's really just a name for an economic system. The people all change like the boards on the ship of Theseus. And it wasn't BMW's, VW's, or Porsche's fault for not having just ethics. The entire country was taken over by Nazi's. Surely the people that resisted were removed or punished. Maybe some employees pulled a Schindler and protected people as best they could. Others tried that CIA sabotage manual shit that's hilarious. Some were all about Nazis. But, none of those people are there anymore in any effectual number. In other words, BMW is just a name as I understand it. Is there something I'm missing? Do we need to rename it to something else so that suddenly the root essence that supported the Nazi's is removed? While we're at it, do we need to rename Germany/Deutchland or shame them until they change their name?
I don't know. I didn't read the article. I came to the comments hoping someone would share the important part,
I acknowledge that I'm apiece of shit and will finally change what's wrong with me through sheer willpower after this coffee kicks in
I had a friend like that. They weren't always assholes, and we used to be good friends for over 10 years. But, they become an asshole eventually. I had to cut them off no-contact entirely because it was just unbelievable how disrespectful they became. Interestingly, the were blaringly neurodivergent, but denied it. I still can't tell if they really thought they were a normie or they were passing as a normie and making excuses or outright denying their "quirks". Either way, fuck them.
Me: Hi, I'm DankOfAmerica
Them: Hi Dank, I'm... <Me: Did I say my name weird? I have a weird name to say. I should practice saying it more.> Nice to meet you.
Me: Likewise 😀 <Me internally: fuckkkk, what was their name?>
Do you have an app for your shit list? I've been Google Keep for my lists, but seeing there if there are other options that work better for me.
Them: turns on lights Why are you in the dark?
Me: Huh? What time is it? Yeah, I'll eat after this part. Almost done.
I'm still using a VIC-II without any lag or drop in FPS
Ok, but what if your worst is based on concrete experiences that occurred repeatedly over years? Of course it's not their responsibility if it wasn't them, but it's not like you're making it up. You're not just coming up with shit for excitement. It's ridiculous, but are you crazy? Is it really your fault in that moment? Are you just creating problems and not giving anyone a chance to directly address them because the whole point is to hurt their feelings? That's the thing I'm getting at. Basically, we're all in agreement. It's ridiculous and they don't have to handle it, but don't give me shit about it like I'm doing it to hurt people or being selfish. It's not "my bad". It's just "bad".
oh no
What is it?