Hallowed Are The Ori
Oh man Canada got a patch update?!
Don't go supporting “lawfuls”
Please stick to the rivers and the estuaries that you're used to
Considering he's also Yahweh, yes he is.
And police are still bashing us.
I think we let the NSW LGBT community decide, and they've decided they don't want these arseholes there.
Their sexuality takes a back seat to their participation in a violent organisation with a storied history of assaulting the LGBTQ community.
Defense force that engages in committing genocide, where have I heard that before.
They could rebrand to some sort of ᛋealous ᛋionist Protection Squadron.
The four-storey building where the family was killed sat around the corner from the Sahaba Medical Centre in Gaza City's Zeitoun neighbourhood.
~25 people a floor.
Fuck Tesla, I'll never buy one.
Very Romanticism.
Reminds me of one of my favourite paintings, Wanderer above the Sea of Fog.