The democrats (just like US republicans) are a party of genocide:
It should be noted that social media companies like reddit, facebook, twitter, etc all have major incentives to inflate their user counts (with bots, or counting inactive users). Those user counts are the product that they're selling to advertisers to set up on their platform.
We don't have that incentive, in fact its the opposite, we'd rather have less users that are more active, as more users require more moderation resources and time.
It doesn't. There are plenty of bourgeois democracies that don't use FPTP for all their voting: Japan, Australia, South Korea for some of their elections. Doesn't make a difference (except it might make the bribery a bit more expensive, since you have to buy off more political parties than just two).
The fundamental problem is capital standing above political power. If it does so, then no amount of alternative voting systems can fix the issue. Socialism is the only answer.
I personally wouldn't be opposed switching off github once forgejo or another fully federated issue tracking system becomes mature, but the rest of the main contributors would have to agree also. Until that time, you'll have to either use github, or get someone to make a PR for you.
The other ones aren't for collaboration and issue-tracking, just other places to make the source available.
Jefferson didn't hate slavery, he even pledged support for France against Haiti's slave rebellion.
The nazi's eugenics programs were copy-pasted from California's even, they were explicit about that.
There's a joke that if you ask 10 people to define fascism, you'll get 10 different answers.
It's an imprecise term whose definition changes with every author who makes a try of it. Even the more popular lists of traits like Eco's or Paxton's have a lot of issues and contradictions which ppl have pointed out.
Any posts that even mention fascism always devolve into ppl trying and failing to agree on its definition, the point of this deflective practice enabling ppl to uphold their own liberal democracies as being sacred and less genocidal.
Anyone downvoting this, should be able to explain why what the the US and European powers did to Africa, Asia, and the americas during the 1700-1900s, was any better or fundamentally different than what fascist formulations from 1920-1945 did. And those atrocities were all done using a far more stable form of government: bourgeois parliamentarism / liberal democracy.
People really need to read Losurdo's - Liberalism, a counter-history. Liberals invented the slave trade, and the victorian holocausts. The only difference between them and the fascists, are that they're far better at colonialism and genocide than the fascists were.
Obama's legacy:
Biden's legacy:
The democrats are a brutal, vicious, genocidal party.