
joined 5 years ago
[–] [email protected] 19 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I was reading Clara Zetkin recently, and at the turn of the century it was popular within the socialist movement to call capitalists, "idlers".

The true lazy moochers of the world are those who own lifetimes of stolen labor, not the people who just want something to eat and a roof over their heads.

[–] [email protected] 31 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I think you’re underselling the legitimate dire fear modern leftists have when they see the brutality of the periphery returning home.

Liberal democracies have historically been as brutal to their domestic populations as any historical fascist formulation. You can look at how the US treated (and still treats) it's internal colonies / minorities. Nazi Germany explicitly wanted to carry out in eastern europe, what the US successfully carried out against native peoples, and failed.

Even outside of internal colonies, if you look at how the US or Britain treated its workers or its poor of their own races(they arguably entirely defeated its domestic working class movement, rebased their countries on finance capital, and exported class struggle to the global south), it doesn't look any different than how the historical fascist countries also defeated their working class movements.

To me, the basis of this is western chauvinism, and belief that "liberal democracy" isn't far worse. By pointing a finger at fascism, they get to keep their belief in the supremacy of their mode of government, that continues to wreak havoc on not just the globe, but internally also. It's a subtle form of western-supremacist scapegoating (pointing a finger at a settler-colonialism that dared to attack western countries also)

[–] [email protected] 43 points 5 days ago (3 children)

From a lemmygrad post on fascism

The western left’s use of the term fascism, is borderline white-supremacist at this point. Fascism was a form of colonialism that died by the 1940s, and is only allowed to be demonized in public discourse, because it was a form of colonialism directed also against white europeans. It was defeated, and Germany / Italy / Japan reverted to the more stable form of government for colonialism (practiced by the US, UK, France, the Netherlands, Australia, etc): bourgeois parliamentarism.

British, european, and now US colonizers were doing the exact same thing, and killing far more people for hundreds of years in the global south, yet you don’t hear ppl scared of their countries potentially "adopting parliamentary democracy”. They haven't changed, and their wealth is still propped up by surplus value theft from the super-exploitation of hundreds of millions of low-paid global south proletarians.

This is why you have new leftists terrified that the UK or US or europe “might turn fascist!!”, betraying that the atrocities propagated by those empires against the global south was and is completely acceptable.

Make no mistake about it: parliamentary / bourgeois democracy is not only a more stable form of government, it's also far more effective at carrying out colonialism, and killing millions of innocent people.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Excellent post comrade. All socialists should keep the perspective that Marxism is not a dogmatic set of rules, but a science: a fluid discipline that should always be ready to take in new data, experiment, and learn from experience.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

This could've been a great episode of columbo.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago

Anyone who has the thought: "yes i would kill clone me", you better watch your back, your clone thinks the same way you do.

[–] [email protected] 21 points 1 week ago

Excellent, really glad that was able to get resolved. We've had to deal with domain name issues here too, its an extremely stressful experience that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

[–] [email protected] 29 points 1 week ago (7 children)

Never thought about it before, but I guess this makes portal guns impossible, since scenarios like this break conservation of energy.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

You ever heard of operation cyclone before?

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Standard blue maga comment, blaming all the US's problems on foreigners, and claiming that trump is a "russian dog", and not a standard white supremacist / imperialist in the tradition of all US presidents.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (3 children)

You going on racist rants, calling spanish speakers arrogant (which you've done twice now), is not anything we will ever allow on

Also the absolute gall of someone calling spanish speakers arrogant, when it's the US who's trying their best to exclude them from a designation they call themselves.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


Some Background: History conditions much of our thinking about our political systems and most Western democracies resemble Rome’s in 60 BC when, as Robin Daverman humorously says, three aristocrats–politician Julius Caesar, military hero Pompey and billionaire Crassus–formed a backroom alliance that dominated the elected senate. The oligarchs ensured that proletarii votes changed nothing and that the masses remained invisible unless they rioted or died in one of the elites’ endless civil wars. Two thousand years later, in Britain’s general election of 1784, the son of the First Earl of Chatham and Hester Grenville, sister of the previous Prime Minister George Grenville, and the son of the First Baron Holland and Lady Caroline Lennox, daughter of Second Duke of Richmond, offered voters offered a choice of dukes. Today, in many European countries (even egalitarian Sweden) ‘democracy’ is a mere veneer over powerful feudal aristocracies that still control their economies. American voters recently watched a former president’s wife competing with a former president’s brother being defeated by a billionaire who installed his daughter and son-in-law in important government positions and ensured that, as John Dewey said, “U.S. politics will remain the shadow cast on society by big business as long as power resides in business for private profit through private control of banking, land and industry, reinforced by command of the press and other means of propaganda”. Most Western politicians are related by marriage or wealth and have, like all hereditary classes, lost sympathy with the broad mass of their fellow citizens to the extent that, as American political scientists Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page found, ‘the preferences of the average American appear to have a near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy’: Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens

From the article, What kind of democracy does China have?


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Studies have found that encouragements are vital to building new habits. Habit-Maker takes advantage of this by allowing you to create your own custom encouragements.

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A good encouragement should have:

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  • A message tailored to you, about the benefits or reasons why you should continue.

Some examples of good encouragements:

Activity Encouragement
Brushing your teeth Great job! Your friends will like seeing your whiter teeth, and less coffee stains.
Lifting weights for 10m Nice job! People will notice your better physique.
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Meditating for 10m Nice! You're on your way to bettering the lives of those around you, by developing your awareness.

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About Habit-Maker

Have you found it difficult to build new habits? Habit-Maker uses rewards and encouragements to help get over initial willpower required to form new habits.



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  • Points - points for checking habits, with multipliers for continuing your streak.
  • % progress to your 66-day-ingrained habit.


Studies have found that encouragements are vital to building new habits. Habit-Maker takes advantage of this by allowing you to create your own custom encouragements.

Before creating a habit, take a few minutes and think about why you want to build this habit. What benefits will it bring you, and how your life will improve by doing it?

A good encouragement should have:

  • An initial congratulations for completing the habit.
  • A message tailored to you, about the benefits or reasons why you should continue.

Some examples of good encouragements:

Activity Encouragement
Brushing your teeth Great job! Your friends will like seeing your whiter teeth, and less coffee stains.
Lifting weights for 10m Nice job! People will notice your better physique.
Cardio for 10m Well done! Studies show you're going to live a lot longer!
Working out for 10m Excellent! You'll have more energy, and feel healthier by continuing!
Meditating for 10m Nice! You're on your way to bettering the lives of those around you, by developing your awareness.

Completing a habit

Once a habit has been formed, its relatively easy to continue doing it, almost as if it were on auto-pilot. Research shows that ~40% of our daily activities are habits that don't require much (if any) willpower once they've been formed.

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About Habit-Maker

Have you found it difficult to build new habits? Habit-Maker uses rewards and encouragements to help get over initial willpower required to form new habits.



Habit-Maker game-ifies making habits by giving you rewards each time you check a habit. It shows the following progress metrics:

  • Streaks - The # of days you've completed your habit in a row.
  • Points - points for checking habits, with multipliers for continuing your streak.
  • % progress to your 66-day-ingrained habit.


Studies have found that encouragements are vital to building new habits. Habit-Maker takes advantage of this by allowing you to create your own custom encouragements.

Before creating a habit, take a few minutes and think about why you want to build this habit. What benefits will it bring you, and how your life will improve by doing it?

A good encouragement should have:

  • An initial congratulations for completing the habit.
  • A message tailored to you, about the benefits or reasons why you should continue.

Some examples of good encouragements:

Activity Encouragement
Brushing your teeth Great job! Your friends will like seeing your whiter teeth, and less coffee stains.
Lifting weights for 10m Nice job! People will notice your better physique.
Cardio for 10m Well done! Studies show you're going to live a lot longer!
Working out for 10m Excellent! You'll have more energy, and feel healthier by continuing!
Meditating for 10m Nice! You're on your way to bettering the lives of those around you, by developing your awareness.

Completing a habit

Once a habit has been formed, its relatively easy to continue doing it, almost as if it were on auto-pilot. Research shows that ~40% of our daily activities are habits that don't require much (if any) willpower once they've been formed.

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I've been listening to a ton of classic xmas albums lately, and want some more to add to my xmas playlist.

Thx in advance.

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