Ha. Yes I totally agree. And thanks I suppose. Most of these have simply been taken while waiting for the ferry. It's just about being in the right place at the right time.
That's funny and awesome.
Twin falls I think it's called. Nice walk around the bottom and through a little cave.
Sure is, good work detective Kaytee.
It's rather nice for sure. How did you cheat ?
A mate and myself went for a decent walk and got to the bottom of it too. Might find a pic of the too actually. There's something about waterfalls for sure. Some kind of magic.
Well we got plenty of awful wind and rain yes. It was quite horrible and there's lots of devastation.
We have been without power for days now. The other islands are very much without power as the feeds to them are stuffed so I heard from a linesman.
I've been for a few drives around here and it's a damn mess. Never seen anything like it.
Glad you liked it here. It's not for everyone and it gets a lot of bagging. Depends how you live and who your friends are. Each to their own.
Well I hope we all got through Alfred without incident. (I was going to say that I hoped we all "stayed safe" but grumpy bum might be here) I've been without power since last night as have about a quarter of a million people around SEQ.
Here's hoping that all gets fixed soon enough.
I read earlier about one death which was a man driving in a flooded spot. Not nice at all and although it's frowned upon and he paid dearly, I do understand the desire to get somewhere and making bad decisions. Bless his soul.
I imagine we will be seeing more devastating news as the day (s) go on.
I had a look outside with a torch at about 3:15 but I'm yet to look outside in the light.
This old Queenslander seemed to have fared well, there's so many trees all around.
Here's hoping the rest of the communities in these Islands are all doing fine.
Ok stay sa........urm, OK keep out of harm's way everybody.
Yeah that looks rough. Just lost power myself so I've come to bed. Russell Island. We did really well considering how many trees there are here. Ok, goodnight, stay warm and dry.
Thanks for your first post here. I'm very new and have only posted some sunrise pics.
Well anyway, a friend of mine back in England about 32 years ago said to me that "America is the greatest threat to world peace". I didn't believe him and didn't understand. I was obviously a lot younger, and a lot more ignorant to the way of the world.
Well, look at it all now. John, you were actually making sense, thanks.
Haha. Yes they're a bit of a nuisance aren't they. Due to the storms and then some kind of virus this is my first day back since two Tuesdays ago, so this isn't much of a fun Monday.