He probably doesn’t know the difference between conquering and annexing. I wish I was kidding but it might be true.
Europe stands with Canada. This situation sucks so much. I hope France sends some nukes to extend the so called umbrella.
If one person is open for bribery, it’s VDL. Fuck this woman. She literally got „promoted out“ of Germany because we were tired of her corruption. Now she’s head of EU. Very good. Best decision ever.
What could possibly go wrong?
I imagine it’s pretty damn big to close down an entire airport. But I’m no expert or course lol.
It’s a good website. Key takeaways:
Try to de-google your life. There are MANY European, privacy respecting alternatives for mail.
The only one that is currently impossible to replace is YouTube. Everyone is on there and no, DailyMotion is not a replacement. It’s trash.
Nobody needs google. Nobody needs Amazon. Unless, of course, you’re lazy.
Also try to switch to Linux. But be warned. It kinda sucks.
I am not from there but calling the UK a failed state is a stretch…
So who is winning? The religious fascists or the religious fascists? It’s hard to tell.
Best America ever. What a flourishing country. Having to beg literal former enemies for food. Literally the best. Very great.
Richtest country in the world. What a shit show.
And what do Americans do? They’re memeing away. To them, 5 people holding signs on a sidewalk is a „protest“.
Meanwhile in Europe, entire districts would be on fire right now.
Actually true. He probably doesn’t even know what AI is. So that could work lmfao.
Dude is a fucking idiot. Just look at his stupid face. God I hate him. Sorry for rant.
I have some opinions that would be considered right wing. But this guy takes the fucking cake.
He’s 80 isn’t he? When is he gonna do the thing? I have my imaginary champagne ready (I’m poor).
You’re cruel as hell. How is he gonna vent in all caps on Truth Social from the shitter in the middle of the night?
Oh yeah thanks. It’s definitely the benefit. Instead of jumping to conclusions you had a suggestion and that’s great. Thanks bro/sis.
Have a good day!
The dude freed Andrew Tate. I don’t need to know anything else. Donald trump is a fucking scumbag and I hope he dies sooner rather than later. Hopefully it happens in a plane together with musk and Vance.