
joined 2 years ago
[–] Donkdonkboom 1 points 2 years ago

I think you're spot on. I wonder if the influx of new apps for Lemmy built by the former Reddit 3rd Party App providers will demystify and increase ease of use for the average non-techy user (myself definitely included in that). Compared to Jerboa and the online default view, much of the fediverse stuff that I found confusing in the UI is sinking more to the background in some of the early builds I've tried out. It's there, but not front and centre getting in the way of the content I'm seeking. These app programmers I'd guess don't care as much about the principles and ideology of the fediverse, which in the end might do the fediverse a big favour in streamlining the experience.

[–] Donkdonkboom 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I deleted twitter ages ago but never jumped to Mastadon because the initial descriptions seemed overly technical and confusing. Like people went out of their way to describe how it was different and unique, making it sound difficult. It was only after the Reddit debacle and trying out Lemmy did I realize it was basically the same thing to an average user. I could get my content drip without specialized knowledge. That makes me consider trying out Mastadon.

I think most people don't care how they get their memes, just that they get them. That should be the focus, and learning about federated systems is a byproduct.

[–] Donkdonkboom 2 points 2 years ago

Enforcement is hard and expensive. I'd bet it's a question of weighing the cost-benefit of pouring resources into enforcement vs letting them peter-out and diminish over time.

[–] Donkdonkboom 6 points 2 years ago

I like your approach. The right thing to do now now may be different than the right thing to do later, gotta just be pragmatic depending on the state of the community and the state of the infrastructure behind it. I think the desire for unlimited and fast growth at all costs is a trap people often fall into.

[–] Donkdonkboom 1 points 2 years ago

Further to your Friday to-do list, I try to clear out my work email inbox, not replying to emails, but deleting or sorting stuff and flagging stuff that needs to be responded to. I find it much less oppressive on Mondays to not have a mountain of unread things. It can be a lot to start doing, but eventually once you whittle down your unreads it becomes easier and easier to achieve clearing it out. It's nice when you don't have to wonder what is lurking unread in your inbox.

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