she could suck start a harley
james brown I feel good stuck in my head :>
day 13, slept solid 9 hours no nightmares I feel fantastic. is this what normal people feel like?
not drinking today, or ever again 😁
but 70% of accidents are caused by sober drivers...shh the best part of freebird is coming up /s
ok yeah you've got a v good point. ive been on olanzapine before but not w all my new meds. sleep might be an issue. plus old fart got banned from smoking/going outside hahaha he's probably itching and sweating w 3 or 4 nicotine patches on
looks like earliest I can see the psychiatrist is friday. 3 days to go. plus I think they banned shithead from smoking, boss nurse was talking about how it's illegal and a privilege to smoke at a hospital and I haven't seen him outside since.
day 12. i gotta gtfo this hospital. this filthy old fuck excuse my french won't stop throwing his cigarette butts down the drain when there's a perfectly good ashtray. I've politely and impolitely asked him to use the ashtray, 5 different nurses have talked to him about it, yet he still does it. makes my blood boil. my detox is over im ready and motivated to get back to work and be productive, feels like I'm wasting money by not making money. plus I miss my dog and cat so bad it hurts.
edit iwndt
racism is an easter egg. wow never thought I'd see those words together.
1 hr til day 10 complete. still stuck in hospy, this is the easy part. opened up a newspaper and the first page is a full page ad for jack daniels. i put it in the bin.
glad im not a gambler, those ads are everywhere here in australia
it's the same w musicians, prince, michael jackson etc all made squillions after death. being an artist is a v dangerous profession
i got adhd and bpd and drinking and smoking weed seemed to be the only thing that stopped or slowed down the tornado of thoughts. can't wait for my body to get used to the seroquel, shit yesterday it had me so seasick I collapsed and couldn't reach the staff assist button, was stuck there for 45 minutes holding onto to the earth for dear life and then the fkn fire alarm goes off. i was like WELP it's been real peace out homies. thank satan it was a false alarm and a nurse found me and gave me something like phenergan and within 15mins I was up and about feeling fine. bizarre morning. plus the most effed up nightmares about CSA trauma every night but I got a lil lucid the other night and pulled out a glock and turned him into swiss cheese. sorry for the word vomit it feels good to write down and wrap my head around what's going on
she could suck the bend out of a river