day 9, still in hospital. dad just visited, went on a rant about how far behind I am on bills and other stressful shit I don't want to think about but he brought my dog Maia who I haven't seen in over 2 weeks, shes almost 3yo german shepard, she went berserk yipping and licking and jumping all over me, shes my best friend I love her so much shes the reason I keep living. dad had to leave and I got in one last cuddle and that's when my heart broke I started bawling my eyes out it's been half an hour I still can't stop crying. im just so embarrassed and ashamed I let my addictions get so bad that I'm incapable of looking after her. she's such a good girl I'm getting a tattoo of her when I get out of here. im going to smoke 2 cigs and cry more in a hot shower. never fucking ever drinking again for her.
thankyou this is my probably 15th time in detox and I pray to satan it's my last
today's day 6 and I'm in hospital. withdrawals are almost gone but they've upped my seroquel from 50mg to 300mg and it's like the worst hangover ever. I used to drink 30 beers a day and not feel this bad.
giovanni's in here downvoting jordie supporties
can anyone eli5? i realise it's satire but am bad at math and confus
adore this film v fun to watch but princess mononoke is my all time favourite animated film
frank what are u eating
a hoagie
frank you are just jamming random meats and cheeses into your mouth
I like to make it in my mouth, it tastes better
I work in the wine industry and I can't help but make them up for the different varieties and blends we make, like Pinot Griesling and Shirabinet I can't think of any other great examples but yeah I jam words together in my head all the time
ps4 controllers are made from dog noses
had a workmate ponder why this sorta stuff only comes up 20 yrs later, I saw red and yelled well put yourself in their shoes you wouldn't want to talk about it either
i got a one braincell orange boi the size of a house cause mum won't stop giving him treats and I love him just as much but I know they're in good hands at my parents house. the withdrawals are long gone but they're still loading me up with diaz and seroquel so I've been zombie mode wet brain. I've been recommended this naked mind many times I'll bite the bullet and have a crack. shit I haven't read a book in 20 years. hey btw thanks so much for hosting and being so active replying to everyone here, you're a saint. much appreciation from Australia, where it feels like drinking is mandatory. shit drug. not even in the top ten.