I'm sorry, but management doesn't approve any refactorings or rewrites, they only approve hotfixes and don't budge, it's been that way for millions of years.
Same, but then I saw them on his user profile with the old reddit design. Giving up would have honestly been a better use of my time.
Looking through the AMA feels like talking to an ex, after you both already know it's over and there is no coming back.
Mein Freund sagt mir, dass man die finden kann, wenn man auf der Hauptseite scrollt und die Pfostierungen von allen Servern anschaut. Er vermutet aber auch, dass die Liste der Kommunen welche behinhalten könnte.
(to) post => Pfost(ier)en
Das kommt auf deine Definition von lang und deine Lagerung an.
Wenn du ihn getrocknet hast, hält er wohl durchaus ein Jahr durch, im Kühlschrank allerdings nicht. Meinen kann ich nach 1-2 Wochen im Kühlschrank noch wieder aufwecken, allerdings ist das abgesetzte Wasser dann schon leicht schwarz.
Ich füttere meinen dann ganz normal, backe aber erst ab der zweiten Fütterung, weil mir das schwarze Wasser nicht ganz geheuer ist. Ich vermute, dass das 'nur' abgestorbene Hefe ist, versuche das dann mit der ersten Fütterung trotzdem erstmal zu verdünnen.
"Im echten Leben"
Ursprünglich ist /r/ich_iel als deutscher Ableger von /r/me_irl entstanden, (mit diversen anderen Sprachen und Varianten, wie /r/bi_irl)
Shouldn't posts be less likely to flop here though? The communities have less content, so they move slower and people have more time to see a post, making perfect timing less relevant, as opposed to reddit for example.
I agree with the crisis comment though
No worries, video games are a huge market, so it'll always take some time to find the niche which fits you best.
There exist a few online and PC versions of well-known board games, such as Dominion, Codenames or Scythe. And there is the general purpose Tabletop Simulator. I haven't looked at those, but you might want to look into them.
MMORPGs like WoW will always have a strong sense of community, but they do require dedicating a lot of time, as they're multiplayer only. Other than that it's the long running single player games, which have remained fan favorites (Mass Effect, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, The Witcher, Dragon Age, etc.)
If community is your main focus, I'd recommend checking out the board game community (maybe at your local game shop, if you've got one close by). Some of the board games rival video games in complexity. Then you can join or grow your local community and meet people in real life.
There exists the genre of narrative focused, open world, turn-based combat RPGs, often called isometric RPGs, which is basically D&D as a video game. Notable entries are Divinity: Original Sin (I & II), Baldur's Gate, Pathfinder: Kingmaker / Wrath of the righteous.
I'd also suggest you quickly google your Graphics Card (Intel UHD 620) and the name of the video game, before buying something. Often there are some videos of people playing them on either the previous Generation (Intel UHD 520) or your graphics card. Then you can get an impression on how it'll run on your system.
I'm assuming by first person war games, you mean the well-known first person shooters, such as Call of Duty, Battlefield, Arma, etc.
Have you already played the Bethesda Games: Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4? These should most likely run on your system, als the last one came out 8 years ago, however they do feature real-time combat.
Other than that, the older Final Fantasy games are now on Steam and should run on your system, such as Final Fantasy X. Depending on the game, they feature turn-based combat, so you can leave at any time, if that is what you meant by synchronous gaming.
There are also the classic more sandbox games, such as Minecraft or Stardew Valley.
Then there is the narrative driven games, such as To the moon.
Most 2d RPGs, such as Bastion, Binding of Isaac, Transistor, etc. should also work on you system, but they almost always feature fast paced combat, which might be too stressful, depending on your definition of too much stress.
For better recommendations on what your system can run, it's probably best to post your Laptop model, or at least the CPU Model, as the first i7s do date back quite a few years ago. Also, as there exists a lot of games, it's helpful to specify a bit more what you're into, such as Open World, Turn-based Combat, etc.
HR: last online 2023 years ago