Amazing how much bullshit people produce and then also sell.
Is getting scared once in a while actually bad for the animal? Or is that just an inconvenience?
I think comparing fireworks to thunderstorms is okay. I would even go as far as to say that thunderstorms are where this behavior comes from. But in either case, we can not stop those and they have been around since the planet exists. So I have my doubts.
Unnecessary noise pollution still sucks, no questions asked, mostly from cars and motorcycles for me. But these once or twice per year things affecting pets? I don't think so.
Only in 2D. Screws are 3D. There is no known optimum in 3D.
Never heard anyone call Torx "6 lobe". But yes, Torx all the way.
Old 120 Hz veteran here, when it was all new and shiny: It was fairly easy to go back to 60 Hz. The loss in quality was absolutely not worth it back in the day. The displays today got better, but so did my standard. I think it will take OLED or microLED to get me to higher refresh rates again.
I really don't know how someone can take the things you said that wrong and at the same time write replies that long. Amazing.
You don't exploit by paying the price that was agreed on. The driver let's himself be exploited, but that is not the fault of the customer. If I agree to give away 100 $ bills I don't get exploited by people taking them.
Yes, absolutely. Love to let it do boring repetitive stuff. Out fletch out something rough and I polish it later.
I agree, that season (6?) was really good.
They keep making Rick and Morty. And so far they didn't fuck up, still very funny.
- In this case, the service is disconnected from your data. With Google et al., your data is the product.
- Closing or some other form of taking your banking account hostage until you give them permission is not exactly something that should ever be possible to happen. This kind of service needs to be heavily regulated. Much unlike Facebook or some other social media stuff.
I heard they revert to the original data? Didnyou check?