Kevlar musk
I just block and report as spam any spam text messages I get and any calls that get marked as scam likely. It was terrible before the election because I live in a swing county in a swing state and I think everyone was just mass spamming every number in the area code, but since then I haven’t really gotten much, maybe one errant text every 2 or 3 weeks. Which is much better than it was last spring and summer when the amount started picking up for me.
On one hand I am certainly inclined to believe that all the shrieking they did last time about dominion and rigged votes was projection as usual and their own justification to do it this time. But on the other, I am perhaps more likely to believe that a 78 year old on the precipice of dementia and who has a very clear and prolific history of being a fucking moron just confused it with Musk being a tech bro and his scheme of paying millions of dollars for votes in PA that was actually technically just a glorified lottery but that clearly was intended to pay for votes, which was actually argued to not be a lottery because the whole thing was rigged itself to pay out to right wing influencers. That might also explain why and how musk seems to have his ear and influence over his stances and what he says.
I would like to believe the former, but unfortunately I think the latter is more likely and that trump did actually win by the margin he did because so many people are so stupid. Because it would have had to be a nationwide hack to change the totals in nearly every state, versus just another gaffe from the non stop geyser of verbal diarrhea.
Give that amount of money to anyone with the most basic of simple financial management and they wouldn’t have to work a day in their entire life while living a very decent life. Almost $2M at 5% growth, below the total historical performance of the stock market, is $100,000 per year for doing nothing except sitting on money. Any amount of that which is reinvested compounds exponentially.
Never underestimate propaganda’s ability to make people believe contradictory messages simultaneously. They’ll just choose to believe whatever suits their immediate argument then flip without a single care of consistency. Don’t bother questioning it either because every excuse and justification and conspiracy theory in the book will come up and failing that, belligerence and aggression until you either back down or go away so as not to make them challenge their irrational beliefs.
I could list out dozens but just the most common: government is both weak and ineffective yet pulls the strings of society in the background, the west is both weak and should just appease Russia because they won’t win yet is propping up Ukraine and presents an existential threat to Russia that supposedly justifies invasion, states should decide their own laws but not on issues they want to force onto others like abortion among many.
And how you live. Good luck getting out of poverty with a terrible credit score, that you probably got because you were poor to begin with and living is expensive. Can’t get a loan to buy a car to drive to a better job, and can’t buy a house to build your assets and are instead forced to piss it away to a landlord in order to build their assets. That alone limits your employment opportunities and is an active drain on the amount of money you are able to save up, which compounds over time and creates societal castes of sorts - those who can accumulate capital and those who exist to serve them. And sure you can live on scraps for a decade and probably fight your way up as you crawl out of it, but it’s the fact that so many are forced to live like this that makes it crazy to believe that credit score isn’t already a social credit system.
Out of every poll on pretty much any topic, you can typically expect anywhere from 10%-33% of people who will believe just about anything no matter how asininely stupid the option they are choosing is
You borrow it from the next morning. A few years ago I went through a phase where I would get up at something like 4AM, voluntarily, and in the morning and early afternoon I was fully awake and alert like I usually am at night. It actually felt really good to be functional and productive when the sun was out, but the problem is I would tend to get sleepy and pass out at around 8pm when I wanted to keep doing things. My theory is that your body needs a balance of sleep, awake but not very active time, and active time, and it is all controlled by when you fall asleep which determines where your free time is to do the things you actually enjoy doing.
Like when I woke up early, I would usually start the day doing things that I would at night - playing video games and scrolling through memes primarily, and during that time I could also get housework done, my (at the time) university homework, and planning for the week. I realized that it was the same productive time but only shifted because of when I had the free time to so.
Eventually I returned to night life because the time limit on my free time imposed by when my obligations for the day start versus how much sleep I am willing to sacrifice and move my unproductive time to work hours is a trade off I am very willing to make.
You’re supposed to lie. Because everyone who is not a true believer in the cause - of the product, the company, the industry, the economy, capitalism, whatever it may be, is also lying. Because the whole system depends on everyone going along with it, otherwise it all falls apart. That you have to slave away at your shitty job with shitty managers so that one day you can become the manager and be shitty because it happened to you, all in service of the exploitation of natural resources and people and society to make line go up and make the people who managed to step on the most amount people on their way to the top that much richer.
I can’t believe people are out here raw dogging their TV’s operating system. To me it’s as strange as buying just a monitor for your desktop PC and wondering why your $80 computer injects ads everywhere and sells every scrap of data you give it. I haven’t owned a full sized TV in over a decade, and before that my dad always used an Apple TV and before that a dish network DVR so I always assumed it was the norm to buy some external input device, because I literally have not lived any other way.
Usually the stove and dryer are natural gas too
It doesn’t really matter what happens with nato, trump is technically commander in chief of the armed forces and just the chaos alone of the first few hours and days is where it makes all the difference. Jan 6 for example would have looked a whole lot different under a different sitting president where the national guard and military were sent in when they should have been, because as it was, disaster was minutes and tens of feet away that day.