Well, they did something more! USB-C connectors last way longer than micro-USB ones...
Thank you for the reply! Amazing. I hope you're still passionate about what you do!
Interesting fact: USB-C moved the retention springs and parts that failed most (on micro-USB) from the port to the cable for this very reason! Every time I have a cable that needs replacing l'm annoyed. Until I remember that it's about 1000 times better than replacing my phone or laptop!
Plenty of companies make solid cables now and Anker's Eufy camera controversy made me look to other options for cables and battery banks. Truly scummy while sacrificing their own users' privacy (and lying about it).
So, unless you're enslaved, every job has a "voluntary exit". It's called "quitting". What Zuck and his people are trying to do is downsize without the bad press that comes from.... uh, firing people. I mean "downsizing"...
Is... that a lot? I have no frame of reference.
Woah. You really should mark this NSFW or censor that bottom-right image. Way too hot. I had to hide my lap from co-workers for an hour after seeing it...
All good, I get it now (I think). I love dense humor, but you're operating several layers deeper than me! Go with God...
Why would you need to resort to fiction to find someone to hate!?
When we quit, or act like it's all rigged and hopeless... We do the fascists' jobs for them.
Makes me think of Sning from Chronos' story, part of the Incarnations of Immortality series by Piers Anthony.
I renewed Prime for the holidays and then realized... I still get ads. Is that a thing? There's several levels of paid Amazon Prime, but they still want more money by serving you targeted ads!?