Lupenreine Demokraten sind das
Und um überschüssiges Geld loszuwerden
Fuer Leute die Schwierigkeiten haben sich hier zu identifizieren. Hier kann man sehen ob man noch "Mittelschicht" oder schon verblendeter Darmausgang ist. (Mittelschicht geht bis 200% des Medianeinkommens)
Some popular neoclassical economic models rely on the "No-Ponzi-Scheme" condition being true. Essentially meaning that Capital can't become negative because there are no ponzi schemes which affect the economy.
This seems like that assumption is just one of the wrong ones.
Here's my hypothesis. People have little contact to Muslims and the way Islam is being usually practiced. Thus people's opinion of Islam is heavily influenced by the worst shit and stereotypes. With Christianity most people have friends or relatives that are "moderate" christians or whatever. So the worst versions of Christianity are less present.
Because reddit makes you think it's needed. It's cheeky you have to skip the email entry or leave it empty with nothing telling you that it's optional.
If they don't control most of the nodes in-between they can control all the exit nodes they want. If you connect though 3 Tor nodes, as soon as one of them is not controlled by them they likely can't identify you.
That's not to say that they don't control most of the nodes, and your traffic likely goes through NSA nodes exclusively
"Czesc, I am Mister Anonymous. I would like to buy this Book. Please send it to Jan Pawel at this address, dziekuje."
I am not sure what he's hinting at. Just using Tor doesn't bear any legal risks. Hosting an exit node is different, as depending on the country you might get into serious trouble if certain traffic goes through it.
How about we all decide on one country to go to? Then that country will automatically be better. I vote Netherlands, they have a headstart.
Warum die Staemme in nem Bergwerk lagern wenn man die an Moebelhersteller verticken kann, die dann zu nützlichen Moebeln verarbeitet werden, die dann drei Jahre halten und dann auf die nächste Müllhalde oder Verbrennungsanlage kommen. Das CO2 ist dann zwar wieder in der Luft, aber immerhin haben sich einige Leute währenddessen ein bisschen Geld in die Tasche gesteckt.
Du meinst seit ein paar Jahrzehnten dürfen sich Informatiker wie Mathematiker und Physiker fühlen?