While I consider dude a gender neutral term, if someone asked me to stop calling them dude, I would, as it is respectful to them.
At the same time, this douchebag wants to specifically target kids who are playing pretend to make their miserable lives bearable, just to distract from real issues like trans bills, don't say gay, and governmental corruption.
Did you know: Puberty blockers cause ZERO harm to children, and to reverse the effects, which will allow puberty to continue its course, just stop the medicine!
This adolescent person that is nearly the age of majority will now have to suffer anxiety, body image issues, potential suicidal and self-harm ideation, and general misery, because the a person decided that what this other person was doing for self care, and to improve their mental health, was wrong. I'm so glad these lawmakers with NO BIAS and MEDICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE are making laws, that are obviously not for any agenda and hurting nobody in particular, because trans people like me aren't actually real people and shouldn't be allowed to be comfortable in their own body.
What do you mean "excuses to permit yourself to date?" Have you just... not have had therapy for your abusive nature? How do you deal with your "idea of having dominance" in public/at work? You wanted to be dominant over girls when you were, like, 4?
In short, what?
I have recently discovered an invention. It covers blemishes, wrinkles, and has been known to at least one person to help with self-confidence. I call it "makeup."
Joking aside, I'm starting to find that incorporating makeup into my morning routine helps with my self-image and confidence. And a little goes a long way! A bit of foundation or concealer, some eyeshadow, some blush, a touch of lipstick, and in 20 or so minutes, you'll look fabulous! I've only applied it to myself a few times, but getting some help from my kids and some new friends has helped me a lot!
If you aren't comfortable with makeup yet, I suggest finding a few trusted friends to paint you up and give you some pointers, if you haven't already!
No, I usually go barefoot. And I have three kids and two cats. I don't keep my home to model standards, no. I live there.
I'm sorry you feel so unsafe you feel the need to carry a weapon. I'm thankful enough that the only transphobia I've encountered is from my family, and maybe mild transphobia (intentional misgendering) from some customers and a manager.
My mom wanted to bring my grandmother over the other day to "play board games," but it felt weird. I declined, she wanted to talk, I felt like nothing has changed.
She makes me feel emotionally unsafe, I realized. With her difficulty accepting my children for years, and now me, it is making it very difficult for me to want to try to repair our relationship. Her husband has banned me from her house, cuz I said her actions were that of a bad parent and person.
All this word vomit/salad to say, I relate. At least to difficulties from your family. All I can say, is I think my mom and yours would probably be fast friends.
Take a break from them if you need to, clear your head. I'm happy for you that your at-home family has been so supportive! Good luck.
You don't walk on your floor?
Today I learned a thing about myself. It's probably why I get so locked down, waiting for some scheduled event. Like if I have a thing at 3 pm, I can't start anything else, cuz I might leave it half done.
Or wanting to start things like a Pathfinder campaign with my kids or game dev. I don't know how to start.
37, here, about three months into my journey. I'm just a wee baby.
If no qualifying religious measure can be used to install a person into office, it stands to reason that religious belief shouldn't come into play.
I would hope our (the US') political system would be aware enough that writing private funding into any religious system would be seen as favoritism and the remaining belief systems would be righteously offended at the lack of consideration, or perhaps even the outright rejection of our beliefs.
This nation was built on immigrants (and the blood of natives, but that isn't what we are discussing) from every walk of life, every religious circle. To disregard others in favor of your own belief SHOULD be political suicide. These elected officials, after all, supposed to be elected to help with the concerns of the WHOLE populous, after all, not just a specific subset.
Playing religious favoritism has a high potential to try to convert the country into a religious state, as funding continues to be funneled into these specific religions, and in turn the churches funnel money back into the candidates as lobbying.
Coming to that point, does anyone who wants to to fund the church with government money which would be better used to take homeless off the streets, feed homeless children, or making people's lives in general, don't have the people's, or even God's best interests at heart?
Do they tithe their first ten percent, as the Bible says? Surely it would be in their tax records as charitable donations? If not, that would make me even more suspect of their intentions.
Here's the thing... Feeling sexy is, well, hot. Feeling good about yourself, can elicit a physical response. It isn't uncommon to get an erection or feel aroused when you feel good about yourself, and euphoria can make you feel very good about yourself.
If you haven't yet, take a look at genderdysphoia.fyi
It's a pretty good read, going through the history and science of gender dysphoria/transgender/two spirit/all that stuff. Good luck on your journey!