I used to be with it
The "cultural Christian" Richard Dawkins pfft. Good riddance. What a sellout.
OMG this. The worst thing too is that liberal parties block actual left parties (helped by our first-past-the-post voting system) that want to do more than incremental change while empowering the far right. Ultimately a lot of elite liberals would rather the far right win than a genuine left party. One of the MSNBC talking heads accidentally let that slip when he said he'd sooner vote for Trump than Bernie Sanders before being forced to retract by one of the other hosts.
Ketchup croquantes
I thought it was standard operating procedure on the Internet.
Congrats ! You've earned that welfare cheque!
Nothing goes together better than steamed hams and an aurora borealis
Simpson! Is that a plunger on your head?
Whatta cutie boi!!
Hawt 🥵