The claim he called propaganda was that every male over 18 +40% of women are seen as, and killed as, terrorists by the Israeli army, not that there wouldn't be dead civilians. Nobody, literally nobody, claims the latter. Also YOU are funnily the one doing that by being anti-Israel? That, other than Hamas, is an actual country with civilians. Just stop the polarisation and dramatisation. One can be against wannabe autocrat Netanyahu, the war crimes the Israeli army is committing, and yet hope they kill every single Hamas member. Gaza has to be freed, from Hamas and Iran's snd Quatar's influence. Unlike those two countries Israel ACTUALLY has a proven track record of working with Palestinians on a civil and economic level and not like your crusader kings jihad DLC fantasy.
Wie kann man sich über so ein Statement lustig machen? Er drückt sich gewählt und ausgeglichen aus und es ist einfach seine Meinung. Sogar gut begründet! Nur weil Du nicht zustimmst musst du nicht aktiv polarisieren, damit schadest Du der Gesellschaft genauso sehr als wenn Du AfD wählst. Meine Meinung.
Bezüglich des AfD-Verbots stimme ich übrigens Dir zu.
Ok, so if I just take quite exactly your argument and say: I don't care if Israel is doing it, but Hamas is using violence, and THAT is abhorrent. Then what?
Sorry, but this abstraction and contextualisation is exactly wrong. This conflict is never ever going to be resolved if people do obviously wrong things for some abstract justification from A past they conceive.
Also your conspiracy take which makes you simply discard large chunk of information based on your gut feeling is just crazy. I find it quite audacious to say stuff like that and still fake a reasonable argumentation.
Your conclusion is wrong from what they say. Don't project and polarise. Killing civilians is horrible and must be stopped. But that's different from targeting them as terrorists. And you know that! How will this mess be ever solved if even on the most basic level are these stupid dramatisation and accusations?