Section 8 - Right Here Now:
Got the attachment for shooting down police helicopters?
If we're talking on the phone and you start talking about stuff that I'm not interested in hearing, I'm allowed to hang up.
You can disagree all you want, that doesn't mean I'm required to listen to you.
There are many things I'd spend more on, but gaming is something that I can spend a lot of hours on without necessarily enjoying. As in, the experiences are often weirdly compulsive and before I know it I've tanked eighty hours without really enjoying it all that much.
I collected all the submarine collectibles in GTA V - do I think that was more fun than a party with friends? Absolutely not. Did it take more time? Most definitely.
I'm trying to remember what that phrase about people who aren't bothered about fascism is. Something like "If there are nine nazis sitting at a table and someone is okay with sitting with them then there are ten nazis sitting at the table".
The only full price game I recall ever buying was Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (back when £35 was the standard "full price" price point). Now that one was worth it, but no other AAA game that I can think of has justified the cost to me. Once we're talking about that amount of money there's a lot of other things I would get more enjoyment from.
I think I paid about £10 for GTA V. I'd maybe go to £15 or £20 these days, but beyond that I simply have other things I could play.
Little Big Adventure 2
That's fair. It's not actually awful, I just didn't enjoy its mechanics (and it was wildly unstable too).
But Discworld Noir is dreadful!
Also it has Vines being corrupt!
I'm pushing 40 and I don't remember when I last bought anything from WH Smiths. I used to go in all the time as a teenager but these days they seem to not have a niche. They're a zombie chain.
I don't know what I'd want them to do, but they should have done it fifteen years ago.
I wish there was an option for "I'm in the UK - we don't use SMS/RCS anymore". Every time I open the text app it acts as if it's Signal/WhatsApp and I'm suddenly going to start texting people like it's 2003. I just want the 2FA pass code that was sent, you weirdos.