
joined 2 years ago
[–] 2 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 14 hours ago)

I'm not a pro, but I can certainly give some tips!

Inscryption is an amazing game, but I find it hard to understand what's going on a lot of the time. Slay the Spire is much better in that regard. You can hover over any status effect, keyword and so on to get a tooltip that explains things pretty well. Most artifacts etc. are also easy to understand, and the tutorial is a good introduction.

Some tips (most are good for all such card games):

  • The most important thing after immediate survival is synergies. Find cards and artifacts that work together. Focusing on individual cards is usually harder to bring to a win.
  • To be able to reliably draw your synergies, try to keep your deck lean. Focus on removing cards that you can "replace" with better versions (e.g. basic attacks/defends). Also don't add willy-nilly if you have a good thing going, try to think about what you're lacking.
  • Focus on getting cards/artifacts/synergies that allow you to draw more cards & generate extra action points.
  • Sometimes, taking a bit of extra damage early can save a lot of extra damage later.
[–] 2 points 22 hours ago

That sounds really cool, thanks for letting us know!

[–] 8 points 1 day ago (2 children)

As in, understanding the appeal, or understanding how to properly play? StS is what taught me the latter, it might be a good fit (with some beginners tips if you'd like).

[–] 0 points 1 day ago

This may be good advice if your goal is to keep your relationship as long as possible, but that shouldn't be your goal. It should be to be happy.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

Yeah, it just doesn't make sense!

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

Yeah, that sounds cool! Hope you have lots of fun with your campaign!

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

So lore-wise it's not supposed to be possible, but that one room does indeed have moving portals. The explanation is supposedly that portals disappear when the object they are on is accelerated.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Granted. The portals immediately close when you try to move the plates.

[–] 6 points 2 days ago

Unlikely, all time travel technology will have been destroyed in the war, before 2035

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Depending on what you want to do, a good approach could be to have the end credits scene only show that something ambiguous is happening with the cauldron, without showing that the BBEG is still "alive".

submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by to c/

Hey! I'm looking for an alternative to Sync, and Summit looks great.

Unfortunately it defaults to German, and (as is usually the case) the translation isn't great, e.g. the font names are translated (and the translations aren't correct). So I'd like to use English.

But I can't find the setting. I searched for "lang" as well as the German word in the settings, but it seems there's no language selection.

Is there really no way to change your selected language, except for changing your phone language? That would be a bummer.


Season 2 Episode 6: Attila

Aired: February 21, 2025

Synopsis: Bonds are tested. Mark continues on his path of discovery.

Directed by: Uta Briesewitz

Written by: Erin Wagoner


Since I've seen the episode, I've been thinking about the story he told, and I don't think it's "canonical" like the handbook. I'm almost certain that it's either:

  • a Lumon "fairy tale", either only for use in team building exercises like the ORTBO, or possibly also told outside (did Helena know it?)
  • or a story made by Milchick specifically for our group, possibly AI generated (since "Dieter Eagan" is an anagram for "AI generated")

It felt very much like a scavenger hunt for a child's birthday or something similar, only in corporate form. Milchick thought that he could fulfill the groups desire for "adventure", and thus make them focus on work once more.

What do you think?


Let's face it: the app has been abandoned for longer than is acceptable, especially at this price level. It's no longer working correctly on newer Lemmy versions, and there's no indication the dev is still active.

Yes, he worked similarly during Reddit times, but a) Sync was much cheaper back then, and b) Reddit didn't change as much.

Right now, to unsuspecting users Sync seems great given the 4.9 star rating on the Play Store. They'll possibly buy this app before noticing that it's subtly broken.

Please consider giving Sync a bad rating, but if you do so, explain why. Write about the broken functionality, so others don't fall into the same trap.


Hey! Wanted to share this to fan up some discussions about Nightreign.

After the initial announcement, I saw a lot of pessimistic posts about Nightreign being a cash grab. I'm really happy with what I've seen so far from the network test, what about you?

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 15 hours ago) by to c/

Use these links to get to the individual episode discussions:

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

Hey there! After some requests, I've opened up a community around Elden Ring Lore: !

If you're interested, please join! Can't wait to hear all your ideas and thoughts :)


Okay, title might sound a bit crazy, but hear me out.

When you cross the bridge to the Divine Tower of East Altus, you're pulled into a boss fight with two Omens:

I think that this fight happens inside the veil which separates the Shadow Lands from the Lands Between. There are a bunch of reasons for this:

  1. We know that Omen blood is needed to cross into the Shadow Lands, as Miquella uses Mogh's accursed blood to allow himself and his followers to cross the boundary
  2. There are very few examples of similar visual effects - I can only really think of the fight against Rennala (the transition to the second phase), and the fight against the Elden Beast (also transition to second phase). Nowhere else do we see shadows appearing like this, and both these cases can be linked to Marika (through Ranni and Radagon respectively)
  3. The Omen don't have the kind of magic you'd need to do something like this. They have some magical properties, but those are mostly out of their control. Maybe they aren't even doing this on purpose - the Fell Twins could simply be stuck inside the veil, unable to progress further
  4. When overlaying the DLC and basegame maps, we can be sure the Divine Towers would be close to the borders. Even though the maps don't fit when looking at all details, we can be certain the veil must run somewhere along the area of the divine bridges
  5. The fight ends once we kill both Omen. It's reasonable to assume that the hand which transports us to the Shadow Lands also would cease working if all the Omen blood were removed

All of this leads me to believe that this fight happens inside the veil! What do you think?


Hey there! This is a new community for all those who enjoy the lore and worldbuilding of Elden Ring, an incredible game developed by FromSoftware and published in 2022. Feel free to post any theories, questions and ideas you have!


Amazing episode! But I'm not sure how to feel about this decision yet, guess we'll have to see which theories are correct.

When the short animated movie starts, we clearly see a projector with three separate projection sources, one with a lens for each base color:

Since they are each positioned with a slight offset and angled, the projected pictures can't work well for all distances. The further you get from the actual "perfect" distance, the more the different color channels will be offset visually. And yet, what do we see when Mr. Milchick steps in front of the screen?

Obviously the whole fandom has been intensely discussing multiple theories:

  • Lumon has developed projector technology lightyears ahead of our own
  • Most of the production cost for this season went into growing such a talented child actress, so Apple saved money on set design
  • Mr. Milchick is actually a flat surface that merely looks like a 3D person due to optical trickery

I'm not sure which one I agree with the most. What do you guys think?


Freunde, ich wende mich an euch aus tiefster Verzweiflung heraus. Das hier ist keine Werbung, sondern ein Hilfeschrei.

Warum genau schmeckt mir die Tiefkühl-Tonno-Pizza von Dr. Oetker so gut? Was ist da genau drauf? Ich habe endlose TK-Tonnos durchprobiert und selbst viele gemacht, aber irgendwas ist auf der Dr. Oetker-Pizza drauf, das ich nicht reproduziert bekomme. Aber auch nur auf der! Es sind Klekse aus einer undefinierbaren Masse, die mein Ambrosia sind - vermutlich eine Mischung aus Thunfisch-Ersatz und Gewürzen, aber jeder Versuch es zu erforschen hat ins Nichts geführt.

Hat hier jemand Zugriff auf die geheimen Rezepte und wäre bereit für ein kleines bisschen Industriespionage? Meine aktuelle Vermutung geht in Richtung Koks oder Heroin o.Ä., anders kann ich mir meine körperliche und psychische Abhängigkeit nicht erklären - doch der rationale Teil meines Hirns widerspricht vehement, weil man das bestimmt rausschmecken würde.

Versteht jemand, was ich meine? Oder bin ich gefangen in einem sisyphosischen Kreis, verdammt dazu stets zum Supermarkt gehen zu müssen um das High erneut zu erleben?

Falls ihr das lest und die TK-Tonno noch nie probiert habt, bitte ich euch: tut es nicht. Es war schwer genug, die Kommentare von dem einen Reddit-Account durchzulesen, der nur Mal Heroin probieren wollte. Ich möchte für ähnliche Abstürze keine Verantwortung tragen.

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