You better watch yourself with the Italian stereotypes there. I mean, this is a nice establishment you got here. It'd be shame if something were to happen to it
1995 is also old to lots of the Zoomers now
Today I am doing a drawer sweep at work, looking through all the cabinets to find folders in places they shouldn't be and put them where they should. Then tonight I gotta figure out my school shit for Fall semester. Acting class tomorrow morning and then a date with a new lady friend tomorrow night.
That last bit kinda has me floating on a cloud. We're really vibing over text.
20th century is now old-tyme
The power of perspective
Benefits of spider gf
The most important part of being a communist is telling other people to read theory that you've never read
No I meant it was never seen as unacceptable
That's literally lethal levels of horny
Have to wear $450 orthotics to not be in constant excruciating pain now
IRL I only go after total sweethearts but I made a brass dragonborn sorcerer (whose coloring is more like bismuth) and I want Lae'Zael to use me like a rented mule and then throw me in the trash when she is done with me
The Church of Swift is very wealthy and powerful. Their magistrates will hardly miss the money.