Could you elaborate on the Zapadistas? I’ve found remarkably little useful info about them online, so I’m wondering why you have a negative opinion.
(Don’t worry I’m not looking to debate or waste your time, just curious).
Could you elaborate on the Zapadistas? I’ve found remarkably little useful info about them online, so I’m wondering why you have a negative opinion.
(Don’t worry I’m not looking to debate or waste your time, just curious).
That’s very sad.
It feels like this legitimately nearly always happens, libertarian socialist, anarchist, (sometimes liberals) form a big part of a social revolution, but the end result tends to always be an authoritarian state, best case scenario a neoliberal democracy, worst case scenrio a totalitarian hellhole.
Where is our libertarian socialist society :(
(Rojava and Zapadistas are the best current successful examples AFAIK).
Cette année j’ai appris que le PLR étaient vite fait des fachos. L’UDC c’était évidant, mais bon je croyais vraiment que le PLR était libéral, comme dans le nom, mais vu les réactions du parti vis à vis ce qui ce passait aux US, leur vrai convictions sont devenues assez claires.
Yup. Without sufficient evidence to the contrary, one can assume it is a scam.
If you want a european operated google reskin. Try from the netherlands.
I understand the preference for completely independent search engines. But these private search engines that don’t sell your data and use google/bing API are still a massive step up from just using google/bing.
Personally I use duckduckgo (bing API) to search websites, and startpage (Google API) to search images.
That website you shared is cool. I’m going to bookmark it. But it’s performance is massively inferior to commercial search engines unfortunately. And it keeps your IP and searches for 24 hours, which is a little inferior to a no logs policy. I love that it prioritises non-commercial results though!
CW: Graphic Picture
It’s really funny how people started off saying as a joke it wasn’t him/eyebrows look different, as a sort of protest against his arrest.
And then people started to take the jokes seriously, and now we have a massive conspiracy theory that like a third of people on lemmy believe it isn’t him, lol.
Habits of Highly Successful People