2008-2014 Barcelona was so dominant that no team would actually go up and beat them. Most of their losses came from insane games with 0.1XG team winning, even bigger teams. Of course there are exceptions but they are so few and far between. That Xavi Iniesta Messi Busquets Alves core was the most dominant side we have seen in the recent times. At one point they were trashing RM left and right at classicos too. Real would get wins but Barcelona wins were proper demolitions with 4-5 goals. Add to all that that REFs were very biased towards them, yep, they were the most dominant and successful team of the era.
2008-2014 Barcelona was so dominant that no team would actually go up and beat them. Most of their losses came from insane games with 0.1XG team winning, even bigger teams. Of course there are exceptions but they are so few and far between. That Xavi Iniesta Messi Busquets Alves core was the most dominant side we have seen in the recent times. At one point they were trashing RM left and right at classicos too. Real would get wins but Barcelona wins were proper demolitions with 4-5 goals. Add to all that that REFs were very biased towards them, yep, they were the most dominant and successful team of the era.