There ought to be one of those quipy laws to the effect of "assume any acronym other than the name of an organization is a retronym until proven otherwise.
This is true and people should always be mindful of this. Additionally you should consider not just the ownership of the companies but also the infrastructure they rely on such as their rented servers, payment processors, on-site staff etc. However commercial VPNs remain a convenient compromise for many use cases. These services are probably fine for your shitposing needs but should not be relied upon for activism for instance.
Notice that despite the presence of many people who grew up with and use the metric system none are complaining about how hard it was to intuit metric units?
If you stop telling people what they should find intuitive for a moment and actually listen to people telling you about their experiences then you might find that this is not an issue.
what happened to the young mice? you studied what happened to the young mice right?
It's on there but mislabeled as one of the others.
how did the power user payola compare to xi bucks?
- Github Autopilot laundering GPL code into proprietary code.
hot take: Harry Potter was a huge boon for effective literacy and probably responsible for every millennial that eventually went on to read theory
cold take: Animorphs was better
There are two doors, one is labelled "Leopards that will eat your face" the other "Cat cafe" both lead into the same leopard cage.