
joined 8 months ago
[–] 2 points 1 day ago

I am just getting over a cold it seems everyone is getting sick lately. Other than that my week is alright.

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Damn that sucks it should be open source. Let people fork and optimize it so it uses less electricity as possible.

[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago (24 children)

Is part of the code not available?

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

The tariffs combined with the gutting of FAA and musks fascist salute might just be enough for the maga cultists to leave the cult.

[–] 47 points 3 weeks ago (30 children)

I could understand banning closed source models but open sourced models that work better than anything propriety isn't that just the free market that corporations like to pretend to be part of?

[–] 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I am glad they are bringing more competition and I have recently made an account on bluesky around new years, But flashes is not a name I would have chosen as that name sounds indecent though I am sure the app itself will be pretty decent.

[–] 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Here is the screenshot to the post on twitter so people don't have to visit that site.

I left out the video underneath from the screenshot but the destruction it shows is literally worse than the city ruins in fallout. The war criminal responsible for this genocide needs to be stopped!

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

I have heard of most of them except the great minds think alike one. I wonder if there is a word for idioms that keep their meaning.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

I only know him because he made an appearance on The big bang theory. I swear its some sort of curse with guest cameos either dying or being exposed for being bad people.


I was on bluesky about to comment on some art someone made and was going to comment it is a diamond in the rough but I did a search to make sure it was rough and not ruff because it is not an expression I use much. When I searched it I found out it meant. "a person who is generally of good character but lacks manners, education, or style; a rough diamond." I just thought it meant hidden gem. Has anyone else misunderstood the meaning of an expression?

[–] 19 points 1 month ago

Wait so Lex Luthor was only pretending to care about human rights?

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

Looks like anti competitive behavior I don't think the EU will look to kindly to this.

[–] 8 points 1 month ago

I thought this was satire at first. CEOS of AI companies are really delusional even by CEO standards which says a lot.


Happy New Year from the future.


Just a random thought I had I think clockwise is the way to go.


TLDR: Mojang is is breaking the law by changing EULA terms without informing anyone while claiming stuff that is written down on their end breaks the EULA without proof of the text that makes it banned, that making it a one sided contract. They also are allowing stuff on the market place which the EULA already bans.


I am thinking before 1.19.1 when chat reporting was added. 1.7 to 1.12 seem to have less requirements to run for lower end pcs. Its just some chill fun and not pvp focused so being newer than 1.9 shouldn't matter. I am thinking 1.15 maybe since it added bees. I guess its a compromise between how well the game runs on lower hardware and what features we want.

Edit: I have decided to go with 1.19 that way we still get frogs/froglights with out having to deal with chat reporting being misused.


Good morning Beehaw it is currently 5:30 am in the morning here in Australia Nov 9 2024.
It may not be morning where you are but it is always morning somewhere on Earth. Plus this chat is more of a vibe. Have you been doing any hobbies lately or discovered a new tv show? Maybe you worked on something and want to share it or you recently found something you are passionate about?


I am considering starting a new world and I am currently trying different seeds. heres some I recently found by using three of the mod usernames.

Seed: alyaza You spawn at the boarder of a flower forest and a beach.

Seed: Gaywallet You spawn in a jungle with a river nearby with a village on the other side of the river. Seed: Lionir You start in a Savanna right next to a beach.

These are some pretty interesting seeds.

Also I did my own as a seed.

seed: Gamers_mate You spawn in a jungle next to a small beach with a dark small dark forest on the shoreline of the beach.

Edit: I forgot to mention I tested these seeds in 1.21.3 (Java) Depending on the minecraft version you use you may get a different result for the same seed. Also it is case sensitive so using any capital letters will give you a different seed.



Its my first hardcore world and I thought I would make a video showcasing my dirt house in the style of those old silent films they use to make. I was originally going to put in a joke about how I am the first person to ever build a dirt house in minecraft but decided not to do it. Edit: if there are any invidious instances that are still working let me know so I can add those links to the video as an option. Edit: Now in spectator mode.


I was curious if anyone has any tips on where to look for computers/laptops about to be thrown out because its to outdated to run modern windows. I was thinking replacing the OS with a user friendly version of linux and giving it to people that would otherwise have to buy a new laptop/pc. I have heard businesses and schools end up throwing out their old stuff when they get it replaced though idk how I would go about asking.


TL:DW Steam has now changed its language from buy game to A purchase of a digital product grants a licence to the product on steam. This may also be non compliant with the new regulation as it still uses the word purchase. Also GOG used this opportunity to let you know their games come with an installer that they cannot take away from you.


If your provider is unable to verify VoLTE support for your device, it may be blocked from Australian networks from the 1st of November 2024.

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