I didn't request it at all, it's just a happy accident
I noticed this with Peter f Hamilton's Commonwealth universe books. The french versions all have more books and it confused me.
This looks great
I love this show. So many great guest voices.
What a beautiful bird
Used rif for years, I can't believe it's just gone.
Sounds vaguely familiar but I can't seem to find anything about it. I've tried searching for Alzheimer's commercial lemon, dementia commercial lemon, Canada commercial Alzheimer's/dementia and came up short.
I'm going to continue using rif until it shuts down at the end of the month but there's no way I'm downloading their shitty app. I have a feeling a lot of people are in the same boat.
I read the entire space odyssey series before watching any of the movies and I really liked the books, they're pretty much what got me into sci-fi. But the movie was absolute garbage, I agree. And I say this as someone who's done LSD a bunch of times.
I also like Hendricks. I'm more of a whisky drinker but I usually keep a few bottles of gin on hand. The ones I have right now are Hendricks neptunia(this is what I had on Father's Day), Hendricks lunar and nikka Japanese gin.
Nice. I also made a similar one.