
joined 2 years ago

An Alaska Airlines Boeing 737-800, registration N516AS performing flight AS-1288 from Seattle,WA to Santa Ana,CA (USA), landed on Santa Ana's runway 20R at 23:14L (06:14Z Aug 21st) but touched down hard causing the left main gear strut being punched through the left wing. The aircraft came to a stop on the runway and was disabled. There were no injuries, the aircraft sustained substantial damage however.

See for more information this AVherhald article

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

It is repairable, but the frame is 34 years old. Frame has got a big cabin refurbishment in January of this year, so that does make the decision harder.


The flight crew reported that the first officer (FO) was the pilot flying and the captain was the pilot monitoring. The departure from EWR and the cruise segment of the flight were uneventful. Upon arrival at IAH, they were cleared for the DOOBI2 arrival and the ILS 26L approach. According to the flight crew, the airplane was fully configured for landing, on speed and in compliance with the company’s stable approach criteria and the initial touchdown on the main wheels was normal. The FO stated that after the main landing gear touched down, he held aft pressure on the control yoke to keep the nose wheel from hitting the runway; however, the nose wheel made contact with abnormal force. The airplane appeared to bounce, and he reacted by pulling aft on the control yoke, in an effort to keep the nose wheel from impacting the runway a second time. Subsequently, the speed brakes deployed, and the auto brakes engaged which resulted in a second bounce of the nose wheel. He deployed the thrust reversers, and the airplane began to decelerate. The captain assumed control of the airplane and the remainder of the landing rollout was normal with no risk of runway overrun or excursion.

A preliminary review of the flight data recorder (FDR) revealed that after the initial touchdown on both main wheels, the airplane rolled to the left and right main gear lifted off the runway’s surface. Subsequently, the nose wheel touched down with a gravitational force equivalent (g) of about 1.4 g and bounced. The speed brakes deployed, and the nose wheel impacted the runway a second time with a force of about 1.6 g followed by another bounce. The right thrust reverser (TR) deployed, and the nose wheel impacted the runway again with a force of about 1.6 g followed by the deployment of the left TR.

A postaccident examination of the airplane revealed substantial damage to the crown of the upper fuselage.



757's are out of production for a while now, but there are still a lot of them operating. Jet2 is currently operating the oldest passenger 757. Originally delivered in November '87 to China Southern and bought by Jet2 in 2006. As of today, the frame is still operating for Jet2.


als kruisbericht geplaatst vanaf:

A Westjet 737 (C-FWSI) collided this week with a C130 at Comox Airport, Canada. The flight was operated from Comox to Edmonton and was cancelled.


A Westjet 737 (C-FWSI) collided this week with a C130 at Comox Airport, Canada. The flight was operated from Comox to Edmonton and was cancelled.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 years ago

Sommige winkeliers handteren vreemde methoden. Ik heb met winkeldiefstal (veel) ervaring. Hoe het in mijn ervaring gaat:

Wanneer er iemand betrapt wordt op winkeldiefstal, wordt de Politie ingeschakeld. Deze doen een eerste beoordeling van de casus, eventueel in overleg met een (hulp)officier van justitie. Als er een zaak is, wordt de persoon meegenomen naar het bureau voor verder verhoor en wordt meestal nog dezelfde dag vrijgelaten.

Het OM doet meestal een voorstel (strafbeschikking) waarbij je schuld bekend en met een geldboete er vanaf bent. Je kunt ook kiezen om dit te weigeren, dan behandeld een rechter je zaak.

Als een persoon veroordeeld wordt (via een strafbeschikking of via de rechter), dan treedt de "€181 boete" in werking. Dit is geen boete, maar een civielrechtelijke vordering (zie het als een factuur) vanuit de winkelier. De winkelier stelt de persoon aansprakelijk voor zijn onrechtmatige daad (diefstal) en vordert €181 voor de geleden tijd die hij ermee bezig is geweest. Gemiddeld kost de afhandeling van een winkeldiefstal, inclusief aanhouding en de papiermolen ca. 2-3 uur. Grotendeels moet dit met 2 mensen gebeuren vanwege de veiligheid, noodzaak van een getuige, etc.

Je kunt ervoor kiezen om de €181 niet te betalen (het is een factuur). De stichting die hierachter zit zal dan vervolgens via het civiele recht de vordering proberen te verhalen zoals dat ook gaat bij een niet betaalde factuur.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Nice idea!

I get an error when logging in (

The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error".


Fenix A320 has announced version V2 of their A320. The V2 update is divided into two blocks. Block 1 has released today and includes mostly under the hood improvements to systems, displays, aircraft behaviour and some small improments in the EFB. Block 1 is promised to bring major FPS improvements.

Block 2 is scheduled to launch in September. This will include the IAE variant, updated model and improvements to the current CFM model.

[–] [email protected] 26 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Eens. Al vond ik het wel interessant om te zien hoe een 'buitenstaander' tegen de Fediverse aankijkt. Toegegeven: er moet nog wel wat gebeuren qua complexiteit versus gebruiksvriendelijkheid.

Zo blijf ik het verwarrend / irritant vinden dat er meerdere communities bestaan met exact dezelfde naam, maar dan op verschillende instances. Vooral met meer niche communities blijven het erg kleine communities met weinig activiteit, terwijl samengevoegd er veel meer kans zou zijn om er wat van te maken. Voor een non-Techie is dit gewoon te complex imho.


Eindelijk wordt dit eens aangepakt! Las dit toevallig en het viel samen met een recente zure vakantie-ervaring.

Ik had een appartement in Oostenrijk geboekt via TUI. Wil ik daar na twee weken uitchecken: vraagt de accommodatie nog even €230 (!) eindschoonmaak voor een 2-persoons studio.

Reactie TUI: deze 'bijkomende kosten' worden inderdaad niet getoond tijdens het boekingsproces, want ze zijn van de accommodatie en niet van ons. MAAAARRRRRR... het wordt wel vermeld in de accomodatie-beschrijving, dus dan mag het.

Bleek het in de advertentie onder het kopje faciliteiten te staan, tussen de regels 'TV met Netflix' en 'Gratis WiFi'.

Het voelde voor mij aardig misleidend en iets wat gewoon thuishoort in het kostenoverzicht van het boekingsproces.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 years ago

Agreed. Until I read this post, I was under the impression that it was from the original Reddit-versions developer.

As already suggested, Lemfinity sounds nice!


als kruisbericht geplaatst vanaf:

Cathay Pacific A350 makes a very hard, high pitch landing at London Heathrow.


Cathay Pacific A350 makes a very hard, high pitch landing at London Heathrow.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

Yes. This will take some time to repair and re-certify the aircraft (among pressure hull tests). Tailstrike damage is a fairly common type of repair, but this damage is quite extensive and will take some time.

The aircraft is brand new (1.3 years) so the chance of getting repaired is high.


cross-posted from:

A Volaris Airbus A321-200N, registration XA-VSC performing flight Y4-488 from Tijuana to Guadalajara (Mexico), landed on Guadalajara's runway 11 at 11:52L (17:52Z) but touched down hard and suffered a tail strike. The aircraft rolled out without further incident. There were no injuries, the aircraft suffered substantial damage.

Mexico's DAAIA (Direccion de Analisis de Accidentes e Incidentes de Aviacion) reported the aircraft XA-VSC suffered a hard landing at Guadalajara, but attributed the aircraft to Viva Aerobus instead of Volaris. The DAAIA quoted the captain of the flight stating: "We were on an ILS approach. The first officer was flying the aircraft, the approach was carried out in a normal way. On short final an instability started, the first officer decelerated the aircraft completely, the aircraft went down, I didn't have time to correct, a strong impact was felt. When we arrived at the apron, we were informed that a tail strike had occurred, a report was recorded in the logbook and the company and authorities were informed." The DAAIA have opened an investigation.

The aircraft is still on the ground in Guadalajara about 72 hours after landing.

Source and photo


A Volaris Airbus A321-200N, registration XA-VSC performing flight Y4-488 from Tijuana to Guadalajara (Mexico), landed on Guadalajara's runway 11 at 11:52L (17:52Z) but touched down hard and suffered a tail strike. The aircraft rolled out without further incident. There were no injuries, the aircraft suffered substantial damage.

Mexico's DAAIA (Direccion de Analisis de Accidentes e Incidentes de Aviacion) reported the aircraft XA-VSC suffered a hard landing at Guadalajara, but attributed the aircraft to Viva Aerobus instead of Volaris. The DAAIA quoted the captain of the flight stating: "We were on an ILS approach. The first officer was flying the aircraft, the approach was carried out in a normal way. On short final an instability started, the first officer decelerated the aircraft completely, the aircraft went down, I didn't have time to correct, a strong impact was felt. When we arrived at the apron, we were informed that a tail strike had occurred, a report was recorded in the logbook and the company and authorities were informed." The DAAIA have opened an investigation.

The aircraft is still on the ground in Guadalajara about 72 hours after landing.

Source and photo

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Also looked for it, but did not find it. I guess it is JetBlue / FAA internal only and only this frame from the clip was released.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago

Some basic explanation of what it does, how it works and why you think it is great would be nice to hear from an insider :)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Cool! Care to post something on this community with some more explanation? Would love to hear more about it ☺️

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Could be. The frame is 32.4 years old. It did get an (extensive) cabin upgrade/refurbishment in January of this year. This could be a contributing factor in repairing the aircraft. A Delta 757-200 also [got a hard landing with a crumpled frame. See the photos. That frame was repaired.

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