Or a Wicked tattoo lmfao
Found on the wall of the tattoo place on their google pictures, ha!
Or a Wicked tattoo lmfao
Found on the wall of the tattoo place on their google pictures, ha!
Lmao it’s legit the same hair texture!!
This poor child. A mother who is always gone and away and the same same same same same same same same movie
So ironic she wears a bra as a shirt a lot of the time and then doesn't wear one in these cases
That hair!! It's so so bad! Fried, white, dry, crying for help. How can she not see (and surely FEEL) this
The Horizontal Shame at it again!
Ugh that same stupid face she makes every time she is an idiot, like with the avocado bodily fluid BS
Look at those eyes... that has to be an edible or something
"I've tried. And Cried. So. End of sentence." What is going on
There will 1000000% be a video of L with it. “Wow!”
Even her tattoo shop/experience looks lame