Even godthrilla figured it out? This is just embarrassing
Is this the bad place?
Counterpoint: your consciousness is transferred anywhere in the world ever. How do you escape your cultural programming, and what does it mean to be free?
I mean, the universe is just an experiment in experience. Even with the bullshit, it's better to have been than to never have been
And it's so damn good to be here. In the cold, in the hot, in the empty. It's a good suffering
Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. The story has already been told. It's just not funny this time
I already have it, but I like the way you're trying to be a positive force. Thank you for being generous, you're awesome. I hope that you have every experience that makes you happy
Why are these guilty pleasures? I unironically LOVE all the movies I recognize and can't wait to check out the one I don't recognize. These movies are fucking tits. Fight me.
Edit: except for the guy that said the 2016 version of Ghostbusters. No. Just no.
Front stoop of my house! Many a cigarette been smoked and many a quandary has been pondered
I've read "motorcycle diaries", I like that you just wrote "the networking diaries". Glad you had fun. My dad took me on a trip when he worked for the census once upon a time, and we crossed the state only taking back roads. It's those weird adventures that you never forget
Super weird! I am NOT the kind of person to get hit on, average on a good day. But thank you!
We're meant to be alone.