A welcome dream of the future
I hope we can someday get there
But damn do we have a lot of work to do
Yep it's the association for sure
But also a factor (for those that know) is that companies will pay for their ads to run to specific demographics of people based on the data that a advertising platform (Twitter, YouTube, Tinder, Facebook, etc) has gathered to determine specific things about you as a person.
It's the whole concept behind targeted ads. You pay for eyes that will see it and are more likely to purchase your products due to that demographic data. Or at the very least, view your website for traffic that can be used to harvest more data about you so that it can be sold to other companies.
Of course they are, the pieces are super manly in the men's games. Made of concrete for extra ruggedness and painted manly colors, nothing bright or cheerful as far as the eye could see. And the chairs they sit in are also super manly no comfort at all. All played on a manly tactical chessboard. /S
Seriously though this whole decision just screams "cruelty is the point" and no concept of equality.
As someone who grew up in rural Washington on the threshold of populated Washington, yeah shit gets pretty fucked really quick in those rural areas.
It was a really religious area as well so that really didn't help. The local religious people have a strong belief in having as many children as possible as soon as possible. The running non-joke (because it's common) about it is the first kid to turn 16 drives the 3rd van.
Straight up, I'm planning to wait for reviews and some patches to roll out.
I've been playing Bethesda games for awhile and every single 3D game made by them has had some serious issues on launch.