That makes sense given how efficient those things are
Those things are crazy efficient
That makes sense given how efficient those things are
Those things are crazy efficient
And by not voting you're ensuring that positive change will have a much harder time occuring.
Local elections are very important and pushing for more progressive local candidates can help to influence policies on the national stage. And if there's no candidates you like in your locality you can try to run yourself.
There's more elections than just the election for president.
There's no such thing as the perfect candidate so voting for the person you hate the least is the best option for preventing the person you hate the most from winning.
I'm not a fan of Biden but he's way fucking better than trump and his fellow Republicans.
Don't make the mistake of believing that just because you haven't seen something that it doesn't exist.
We all exist in media bubbles and in those bubbles we miss a lot. By seeing this meme you could say that your media bubble has finally bumped into the bubble where people openly talk about not voting.
Hell there's comments in this comment section on the note of not voting.
Local elections are also very important and really need participation. Like if you wanted that fee for mail-in voting to go away that would likely be a decision made by local politicians.
And without voting there's no hope for change for the better
Congratulations on ensuring our system has a harder time improving
It was breathtaking in person
I'd say one of my favorite things is seeing the sunset over the ocean
For me: hunting mostly.
A very small percentage of children.
There are more age groups of children than just toddlers.
I personally support laws requiring gun owners to properly store firearms.
It's an incredibly stupid movement where people are saying that they won't vote as a protest to not liking either candidate.
Usually said by people who have little to lose if Republicans win, seem to think revolution is a viable possibility if Republicans win, and/or think that by not voting something good might happen.
Also people who don't understand that our system is a First-Past-the-Post system and the only group of people who are trying to get support for not voting in this election are people on the left.
So I'm not as many words: people trying to guarantee a victory for trump.
just overthrow the government
That's far easier said than done, and honestly even saying that feels like an understatement
Should all minimum wage jobs be closed between the hours of 9pm and 4pm? No, in fact a decent amount (if not all) need done in some capacity throughout the day.
Or another one that those kinds of people don't like to be asked: So if the minimum wage is for children (high school students getting their first jobs), what should be the minimum wage for adults?
She (and the people like her) fail to grasp so much about their arguments it's infuriating. They feel that those who work minimum wageshould suffer. Usually they'll talk around saying it, but that's the just of what they say.
They are way more likely to do so than Republicans that's for sure
All you have to do is look at voting records to see that
All you have to do is see the break down for who voted for the Respect for Marriage Act for an easy example