Upvoted and boosted! The Fediverse has been my home since the APIcolypse. I had to log onto Reddit today for the first time in months to post in an obscure niche community, but I've been all about the fediverse apart from that.
I'm the SO of someone with ADD who was similarly affected. It messed her up for months. Things are just getting back to normal now. On the bright side, she has less insomnia on the new meds.
Mojo Dojo Casa House.
A declaration carries no weight in the court of international law unless they said "dibs".
Halloween is 8-1/2 months away. There well probably be at least three Dollar Generals in that building by then.
Dumbass is on TV making things worse right now, LOL!
Biden should be talking up the soft landing every time he answers a question, imho. Uncle Joe saved us all a lot of pain with that.
TIL that Gus Johnson is a time traveler.
I like the cut of your jib, fediverse stranger!
But Daredevil could still "see" her, using his powers. For me, that would be a dealbreaker, but who knows? Maybe he's into gorgons.
I'm not messing with that soft paywall. Are they saying that parents who let their frozen embryos go bad in the freezer are guilty of murder or manslaughter?