Would be more valuable if you just posted the debate instead of trying very hard to make the reader take on your point of view.
Not saying I disagree with you, but this reads very proselytizing.
Would be more valuable if you just posted the debate instead of trying very hard to make the reader take on your point of view.
Not saying I disagree with you, but this reads very proselytizing.
Actually no. How the fuck do you piss not into the toilet while sitting? That’s the big advantage of sitting down, that and the extra comfort, you don’t have to aim.
The only times this has ever happened was when I was completely hammered and didn’t sit down properly.
Honestly I don’t even see how this is physically possible. Unless you literally do not have a dick there should always be enough - let’s say range - available to bring the urine exit point below the toilet bowl edge.
I feel weird writing this down.
I too am desperate for gestures configuration.
I have used swiping in Apollo solely to move back / forward and find myself accidentally hiding or upvoting things as well. Swiping from the left screen edge works somewhat reliably to go back, but still is very inconvenient because it requires such a precise input I am not used to.
Have you tried with different browsers / without browser addons that might impact the sites behavior? Otherwise I don’t know either
Klingt herzlos, ist aber ein wichtiger Aspekt, schließlich soll der Staat den Neuankömmlingen ja, wie jeden Deutschen auch, das Leben ermöglichen bis der- oder diejenige eigenes Einkommen hat.
Wenn jemand keine auf dem deutschen Markt verwertbaren skills hat wird das schwer, und führt letztendlich nur dazu dass der Niedriglohnsektor gedrückt wird; wir also die Schwächsten der Gesellschaft mit zusätzlicher Konkurrenz um die paar Krümel konfrontieren.
Sind zufällig auch diejenigen die am anfälligsten sind für rechte Rhetorik.
Boomers say that because historically, with increasing age people usually also managed to have some things they might want to conserve, like a home and some financial assets to cover their retirement. I’m in my mid thirties and the only feasible way for me to ever own a home is inheriting one. My retirement plan is to die in the revolution. I have nothing to be conservative about
Boomers say that because historically, with increasing age people usually also managed to have some things they might want to conserve, like a home and some financial assets to cover their retirement. I’m in my mid thirties and the only feasible way for me to ever own a home is inheriting one. My retirement plan is to die in the revolution. I have nothing to be conservative about
Ich verstehe nach wie vor nicht wie die Dinger straßenzulässig sind. Hatte letztes Jahr nen schlimmen Unfall mit denen, und seitdem öfters drüber nachgedacht… im Grunde sind das die guten alten razor scooter die als kind jeder zweite hatte, nur mit Motor und 20 km/h Geschwindigkeit auf Augenhöhe mit Autos. Insbesondere die beschissenen leihroller sind gemeingefährlich, gefühlt sind davon mehr straßenuntauglich defekt als funktional.