
joined 2 years ago
[–] GrindingGears 2 points 2 days ago

I desperately wanted one of those a couple years ago, but no dice. It was largely a paper launch in Canada. Still don't see them very often either.

[–] GrindingGears 1 points 2 days ago

I fell for it last gen. Once I was done shoehorning (and I mean shoehorning) an oversized power supply, a video card that's the size of a bus terminal, and all those stupid splitter cables, I swore any further purchases off.

Everything is just way too expensive, the gains are marginal, and it's a lot of fuss all to just largely play re-rereleases of games that are 30+ years old, and other horribly optimized games that will take 2 years to sort out and in the meantime the computer you are using is irrelevant because it's just going to run like shit no matter what. The hardware itself is questionably optimized too.

I'm running this setup into the ground and when it comes to gaming, I'm a console guy going forward.

[–] GrindingGears 1 points 2 days ago

You could have a video card the size of a nuclear power plant, and it's still going to struggle with this unoptimized POS. Rockstar sucks at optimizing their games for PC, and it's kind of inexcusable at this point (most of their games are a decade+ old at this point). RDR2 was the only large exception, but it still struggles here and there. They especially seem to struggle with grass textures. Case in point, watch GTA 5, it's fine in the city. You'll be chugging along, 180FPS or whatever, but the minute you leave the city your frames drop to like <30 FPS in spots, unless you really turn the detail down.

[–] GrindingGears 1 points 4 days ago

Loblaws can go toss a salad too, but right now our fight is a little bit bigger, unfortunately

[–] GrindingGears 1 points 4 days ago

It's just going to be everyone else to blame for everything (everyone but me, the conservative creed), and the corruption will ramp up. Look at Alberta.

Think with your big heads and not your small ones, Canada. This party is not the conservatives of yesterday, they do not care about you and me (billionaires and corporations only), and just take a look down south as to how far things can get carried away. Remember PP handing out donuts to the convoy? Pepperidge Farm remembers...

[–] GrindingGears 7 points 4 days ago

100% markup on exported hydro. Pull of the kid gloves, fuck this guy. Get at us if you have a problem, FAFO

[–] GrindingGears 7 points 4 days ago

I'm kinda over this dude.

Just shut the fuck up and get it started already, sick of your threats.

Message for everyone else down there: FAFO

[–] GrindingGears 4 points 4 days ago

Wildkeepers Rising, its part of Steam Next Fest, and out next month. Super small studio, one of the main devs is a childhood friend.

[–] GrindingGears 1 points 1 week ago

Inflation's "sticky". It took 5 years to get rid of COVID-related inflation, and it went up for quite a while before starting to go down. This is quite a bit more substantial, and it will take a long time for the effects on the overall broader economy to recede. The inflation itself will take about 1.5 years to fully work it's way through the system, but there's also going to be a larger scale contraction on GDP, which will very likely put the US and many of it's trade countries into recession as well. This will likely have a negative impact on wages. The US is also very much going to have a supply problem, which is going to then also put upward inflationary pressures on a lot of products.

Anytime a government interferes or puts in measures that affect trade, positively or negatively, it throws everything out of whack.

[–] GrindingGears 7 points 1 week ago

Nothing to do with the fact there's three Funko pops to every game for sale, and they price their used games pretty much as high as new ones. Not to mention every time I've tried to buy a new game there, they then try to sell it to me without the wrapper taking the disc from who knows where.

[–] GrindingGears 3 points 1 week ago

Facts, amiright!?

[–] GrindingGears 24 points 1 week ago (8 children)

It'll be unplayable. GTA Online as it is, is barely enjoyable and mostly unplayable.

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