Bonus: they also work great on Android!
The worst are digital goods like games. Even after currency conversion and taxes are accounted for, nobody could explain the extra 10-20% a.k.a. the "f you" tax.
That's in New Zealand dollar. Equivalent to about 700 USD.
Still expensive but not that bad. We in AU & NZ are used to getting price gouged because we have no other choice :(
Pro tip: if you long-press a setting it copies a sync link to it, so you can paste it like so:
Yup. I've seen a few of these threads, and our Australian store always looks almost identical to the German one.
I'm starting to wonder if Google is confusing us with Austria.
Was on the market for a TV for my grandparents recently. I just need a monitor, digital receiver, and remote - in one neat package. How hard can it be?
Very, apparently. Can't even find cheap Chinese crap that isn't "smart" these days.
That was a common issue.
It still is, but it was too!
"Let us just change the boot order so you can play in your shitty OS, and not our secure Gentoo drive"
Nice UpliftingNews with a dash of ABoringDystopia thrown in
Or think of it as "convenience fee" for the people who can't use F-Droid.
If my friend, who thinks I'm IT support since I majored computer science, asks me which tracker they should use - I would just tell them to pay the $4 for OpenTracks.
La Porchetta - weren't they involved with the mob too at some point? There's one near me; never seen anyone visit. I swear it's a front...