
joined 2 years ago
[–] Hacksaw 4 points 8 hours ago

Oh yeah, we definitely form close knit family and community units with dispersed hierarchy instead of giving all the bananas and power to a small handful of apes who can then impose their will on everyone else.....

[–] Hacksaw 33 points 21 hours ago

Canadian satire to the rescue! https://www.thebeaverton.com/2025/03/zelensky-pretty-sure-disgraceful-meeting-could-have-been-disgraceful-email/

Zelensky suggested that a hypothetically efficient email could have read: “Dear Volodymyr, we are pulling all US military support for Ukraine because our administration has been personally bribed by Russian President Putin, and because Trump still wants revenge for the time you refused to open a sham investigation into Joe Biden and he got himself impeached. The End.”

“See how succinct that could’ve been?” Zelenskyy added.

[–] Hacksaw 11 points 4 days ago

What are you talking about? Conservative used to just mean people who wanted to protect and conserve the American way of life and the American political and economic systems..... Which oppress minorities and enrich the owner class lol

[–] Hacksaw 9 points 1 week ago

WAP official video isn't age restricted and this is.... Pretty telling.

Not implying anything is wrong with WAP, just comparing two explicit songs, one that calls out Elon and Palestine and one that .... doesn't.

[–] Hacksaw 6 points 1 week ago

He's a troll. All his comments have massive downvotes and he never participates in any respectful productive discussion. Downvote and move on, because engaging with trolls just gives them a chance to say more dumb shit. Like the classic "I'm not a troll, if you disagree with what I said explain how because what I said is true" or whatever other dumb shit they come up with to try to get you hooked so they can say more heinous things.

[–] Hacksaw 3 points 2 weeks ago

Ah, my apologies. I'll make sure to stick to one argument at a time so that you can understand.

You're a troll. You think your opinions are "enlightened" or "rational" but they're not. What you excel at is upsetting people by being abrasive. Look at your comment history and the downvotes you get on nearly every subject. When you speak, you do so in a way that's upsetting to people. It's not WHAT you say, but rather HOW you say it that creates this reaction. You're just a troll and you've somehow convinced yourself that the downvotes are proof that you're right and everyone else is wrong.

Upsetting your fellow humans is not the mark of a good person, nor is it the mark of an intelligent one.

The rare time you use your intelligence to form a coherent empathetic argument you get hundreds of people supporting you. Maybe try to build off that instead of feeling proud of your abrasive countenance.

[–] Hacksaw 3 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I'm looking forward to your "honest debate" in every thread related to murder and capital punishment, but I know this is the only victim you'll be defending in the near future. While you accuse others of dishonesty, it's classic projection of your own moral fallings.

When posters say their convictions are simple "innocent until proven guilty and having the right to competent defense" they're dishonest because "this is the only thread we're in, what a coincidence /s". Why the same logic doesn't apply to you is a mystery.

Also this wasn't first degree murder in New York, that is reserved for the premeditated murder of specific classes of people such as law enforcement. If you're going to have these "clear and easy to express convictions" at least be accurate and clear about it.

I had you tagged as "conservative pseudointellectual" from previous interactions and it's been accurate EVERY TIME I run into you. You consistently defend capitalism and conservatism, and now Catholicism for some reason? Against the interestes of the population in general.

[–] Hacksaw 5 points 2 weeks ago

Last Trump admin the US tariffed China, China retaliated by tariffs on US ag goods. Eventually Trump caved (or genius negotiation depending on your political colour) and China lifted the tariffs. Ask American farmers if they got those contracts back once China developed relationships with Brazilian farmers instead. Look at how many small farms folded since then and have been bought by commercial interests. Think that's a coincidence? Only megacorporations can afford to wait out the consequences of these actions.

The consequences of this idiocy will last a long time.

[–] Hacksaw 2 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

I don't see you standing up for all murder victims. You're ONLY here in this thread defending this specific murder victim. Your dishonesty is plain as day. It's clear that you think the rich should not face the social consequences of their actions. You think that as long as someone follows the law they should be able to harm as many people as they want as long as they create shareholder value. The fact that this is the murder victim you're defending is pure coincidence! You act like you just want everyone around you to have "honest discussions" but you hide your own convictions. At least have the courage of your convictions.

[–] Hacksaw 3 points 2 weeks ago

I can't believe that the NDP get labeled as fiscally irresponsible for supporting increasing our healthcare and our standard of living, something that is PROVEN to be cheaper than a private market solution for healthcare and standard of living.

The conservatives have the reputation as the fiscally responsible ones. Our provincial conservatives just spent 660 million dollars, to get 24s of beer into grocery stores a year before the exclusive contract with the beer store expired. That's $50 per Ontario resident. How is that responsible?!?!?

[–] Hacksaw 7 points 2 weeks ago (6 children)

Sure, anyone who disagrees with you is evil or dishonest. That's how you know that YOU'RE the only one engaging in honest open discussion.

[–] Hacksaw 6 points 2 weeks ago (8 children)

The headline is "crowd raises money to defend innocent man accused of crimes".

I don't know where you're getting that we're celebrating murder. You won't even accept that you're jumping to conclusions. You've got a lot of assumptions built into that head of yours sir.


I saw a convoy of about 30 cars on the highway back in October. I looked it up and found nothing. Then I see a Reddit post in /r/vexillollogy with the same flag and no useful answers.

It's so weird that people bought like 100 of these flags and there is no info on them at all!

I flipped the picture to make the flag the right way.


The laughable Bank of Canada report even includes the line

Why did this increase in markups not contribute significantly to inflation? We show that markup growth reached its highest level because of a contraction in firms’ costs [...] during the pandemic-related public health interventions

So when their costs go down they keep the prices the same and pocket the difference, BoC report verdict "profit growth without inflation". So what happens when costs go back up?

We observe a mild contribution of markup growth to inflation in 2021, partially explained by demand rebounding faster than costs. However, the fact that markup growth fell to zero the following year indicates that firms were likely smoothing out their price increases [...] rather than leveraging increases in market power.

So when the costs go back up, they pass 100% of the cost to the consumer and keep their new higher profit margins (no change in markup). BoC verdict "the inflation has nothing to do with profit growth". Amazing!

If industry follows this "price ratchet" mechanism profit margins can go to infinity "without causing inflation" according to BoC. Absolutely galaxy brain levels of economic genius.

They really think we're idiots.

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