The employee quote in that old screen is from the show I Think You Should Leave. I was just really amused to see a reference to it in DBD
Yeah I honestly find it more confusingly exasperating than making me actually angry. I just roll my eyes and play Wordle on my phone or whatever until their done their bullshit and I never bother with post game chats/messages. When I know I have tacky survivors waiting for me at the gate I walk around break doors or run my power or whatever. Not going to give them the direct satisfaction and I don’t care whether or not I always get the 4K or always get the escape, like they’re great when they happen but it’s not ruining my fun if I don’t “win” every match so I’m not going to get desperate at the end.
But it is just all so god damned stupid. I feel genuine second-hand embarrassment for trolls of any kind lol.
Yeah I’ve been lucky that I’m mostly seeing balanced or even just friendly matches, but the ones that aren’t are so above and beyond just regular overly sweaty playing and it’s honestly so cringey to me lol.
Some people are so determined to make others have a bad time that they’ll ruin their own points. And I know BPs can be pretty unimportant for a lot of players who don’t have a lot of characters they’re trying to level up or whatever, but still!
I tried to be a friendly Spirit yesterday and had everyone hooked once at five gens and then just ran around in haunting mode to collect some deviousness points. Made a point to hit healthy survivors then not chase them, downed a couple and let them wiggle out, etc. eventually stopped even kicking gens because they were having such a hard time getting them done and I was running oppression. Then those little fucks had the audacity to teabag at the gate and do the “ez” messages post game lmao. Some people are just sad.
It absolutely sucks but the last thing you should be doing is feeding into these folks. If you give no reaction they dont really thrive off the matches.<
Are you suggesting I just keep all my rants and thoughts and opinions in my head? Is that even a thing?
Especially for people living in poverty/low income. Most of the tools that make cooking more efficient can be really cost prohibitive, so people working long hours/multiple jobs don’t have time to make every meal themselves and who don’t have access to things like Instapots or even just quality ovens that heat quickly and evenly, etc etc. factor in food deserts and many people just don’t have realistic alternatives to quick, cheap, sugar-laden foods.
And some people just don’t even know how to realy cook. My husband grew up in severe poverty with very neglectful parents who would literally do things like hand him a box of snack cakes when he was 9 years old and that was his “dinner.”
He has no idea how to do most things in the kitchen (and to be clear he does probably 90% of the cleaning in our home, it’s definitely not weaponized incompetence due to laziness). I grew up cooking with my parents and being involved with it as soon as I was old enough to stir the batter for the pancakes. So much of it is so second nature to me that I forget there are a lot of nuances to cooking well that I take for granted.
Eg, We watched the episode of Schitt’s Creek where Moira and David can’t figure out how to “fold in” the cheese and my husband asked me what it meant because he had never heard of that before, either. Knowing certain techniques, knowing how to use different tools, having basic recipes memorized, knowing what kind of spices go together for what kind of dish, if you don’t already know these kinds of things it’s time consuming to have to look it all up and learn. Overworked people don’t have that luxury of time and access to good learning resources.
Yes, I’ve been cutting out sugar (or trying to at least) and I’m amazed at how many products include it that you wouldn’t expect to have it. I do love to cook so I do a lot of things from scratch, but somethings are just too cost prohibitive to make regularly/sometimes we just get too busy and need some premade elements for a dish, etc. and sugar is just overloaded into products it isn’t even necessary in. It’s so frustrating.
I love how much of a Cthulu vibe Blight's mask has
I used to always like mixing up my builds and trying new things or tailoring them to different rift/archive challenges I'm working on, which is still what I do as a killer, but as survivor I've found a build I love too much and feel lost af every time I switch anything out lol. I need to start mixing it up again so I stop being so reliant on it.
Survivor build: Overcome, Lucky Break, Distortion, and usually Empathy or Reassurance, but I've been using Calm Spirt instead lately because of how many times I've been going up against Doctors or people using Face the Darkness/Infectious Fright and just wanting a break from the screaming.
I'm soloQ and play console with crossplay, so I suck in chases lol. Making a build that helps me be stealthy and boosts my chances to leave a chase is really clutch.
Sincere question, because I used Reddit frequently but I pretty much just stuck to just commenting and posting in my niche little interest subs. So I'm learning all kinds of new issues and drama about the site/company itself I was in the dark on before lol. So I've only seen bits and pieces of what awkwardturtle's whole deal was, and it struck me as being so over-the-top that I assumed it was farcical, like someone who hates those kinds of social progressive ideals and wants to mock them and make them look bad. Not sure if that's a correct read at all, though, or how likely it is.
Like "locking so men can't comment" it so inflammatory and petty, I do live in a very liberal city and am involved in many different areas of social progression both personally and professionally and I cannot think of anyone who would actually believe in, say, or do things like that. Not only because the majority of sincere feminists believe in equality between all genders and not "misandry" period, but also because it makes the whole movement look like garbage. No one sincere in their beliefs would play so heavily into the dumb stereotypes in such a public and visible way like that. It's like someone who wants to make fun of feminists vs being an actual feminist.
Not to say there aren't people in those ideological groups who don't totally miss the point and do actually say and believe stupid shit like that, but they are such a minority and a thorn in the side for those of us doing real work to make actual progress. So powermod could be sincere and just fully out of touch with what they are choosing to align themselves with.
But idk. I've just seen so many other examples of their word choices and such that is just really inconsistent with what actual social progressives would say or do. My understanding is that he's a man, but he mods the women's sub. Like an actual male feminist wouldn't insert himself in that space in such a way, spewing queer stereotypes in queer subs, etc. Seems so off the mark to me that I didn't think it might actually be sincere lol
Yeah I love the meltdown that there was "no reason" to lose SLPT, while in the same breath saying they haven't even interacted with the sub in 6 months lmao. Whatever all other drama aside, you gave a possible example literally right there lol
I do not have the skill or bandwidth to mod a community, but if someone makes creepywikipedia I would absolutely contribute to it!